The H.E.A.T. Formula
September 24, 2024
September 24, 2024

Financial News vs. Noise

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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ETF Model Portfolios

Your Wealth Comes First Podcast

Going to be participating in the Market Minds Summit on 9/25 at 2:45PM EST. I still think I have some complimentary tickets left so hit me up if you want one.


Overnight China announced a stimulus package that has Chinese stocks ramping and is probably why futures are in the green. From Jefferies......

However, we do not think that it's a bazooka that would fundamentally change our outlook for China yet. More targeted measures supporting property and infrastructure would be required for a shift in our views. It is likely that more policy announcements are coming over the coming weeks which could help the China (and by extension German) outlook.

Central banks being accommodative is good for risk assets, and there's not much riskier than Bitcoin. MicroStrategy continued it's bounce off the 200 day and it looks like it wants to test the August highs. Assets in MSTU more than doubled yesterday, we thought we would see demand, but not this fast.


Bitcoin has also bounced nicely, would like to see it break above the 200 day. Seeing flows and nice volume in BTCL yesterday as well.


As long as the central banks play ball, risk assets are the place to be.

Was hoping for a dip buy in the natural gas names I talked about yesterday, no such luck. I had the AI power trade to myself for a while, not anymore.

Thinking there could be fertile ground still in copper, which AI also needs. FCX looks to be in a great spot here.


I also bought the dip in an AI infrastructure name yesterday, CRH PLC (CRH). Not much of a dip, but now that these are on everyone's radar this may be all you get.


Nuclear continues to be hot, and everyone is picking up on it....

If there’s a nuclear renaissance, here are the stocks to watch, says UBS-MarketWatch

Some symbols in the article that weren't on my radar screen, or at least not that high up the list...