Financial News vs. Noise
August 9, 2024
November 17, 2023

Financial News vs. Noise

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Technical Analysis VS Jim Cramer 11/16

A lot of nothing from the indices yesterday, they have to consolidate gains so that’s to be expected. Once again the Magnificent 7 kept things afloat. Small caps did sell off pretty hard but have to figure that was mostly regional banks and biotechs. With no meaningful data today and Thanksgiving next week have to think not much goes on, however, that’s not always the case. I am still bullish going into year end, but near term I do think the market needs to pull back a bit so will not be too aggressive on the long side. I usually carry hedges overnight, and may bump those up a bit, will also continue to look for shorts.

On the long side was totally wrong about China and oil stocks. I am going to keep those on watch today, sometimes you have to take a couple of paper cuts to catch the big move. I do wonder why oil is going down when the economy is seemingly having a soft landing. Of course, I do not think we are having a soft landing, but the data is the only thing we have to go on at the moment. Perhaps oil prices are telling us something? My favorite watch on the long side continues to be precious metals and miners. They were strong yesterday and look to be in decent shape so far this morning. They should continue to get a headwind from lower rates and could also get a boost if we have more global turmoil and/or regional banks starting to go under. I did take ALB yesterday when it pulled a U&R at it’s 10 day. I also bought biotech (XBI) on weakness.

On the short side AX and RILY didn’t disappoint yesterday. Both companies continue to look like something is very wrong. COF is a name I had tried, and failed, to short around earnings. Going to take another look at that today as it closed a couple of cents below it’s 10 day.

I think there is also something to be done with these retailers that are rallying on earnings, just not sure what yet. I like the idea of a KSS short as it’s right around the 200 day. ROST seems to be rallying pre market, but there’s no volume yet so who knows. TGT we talked about on the video as a possible short. TJX is a short right here as well. I would love to go back to shorting ANF, but not going to force that. URBN is another one setting up well. Will need to assess once the market opens.

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Still think yesterday was an overreaction. Avoiding China Has Been a Winning Investment Strategy. But It Isn’t Easy. Chinese stocks have diverged from the rest of emerging markets, but the country still weighs heavily on other economies-WSJ

I think so, but all really good points. Is the Stage Set for a Year-End Rally? The outlook for stocks has improved, but high valuations and the impact of lofty rates on laggard sectors aren’t going away-WSJ

Not sure I agree. The next debate is when and how much the Fed cuts rates. Weaker economic numbers with progress on inflation would be good for that IMHO. Bad news is good news for stocks right now — but not for long, says this strategist-MarketWatch

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