Financial News vs. Noise
September 18, 2024
September 16, 2024

Financial News vs. Nose

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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This week we have the FOMC and the BOJ. Hard to think that part of last week's rally was on expectations of something from the Fed, perhaps 50 bps, or perhaps dovish guidance. We will see. Couldn't hurt to be hedged ahead of that in some way, shape, or form. The BOJ also has the potential to be market moving. The Yen carry trade is still going strong, albeit at smaller levels than July. Expectations are no hike this meeting with guidance about future hikes.

Next BoJ Meeting Could Be More Important Than the Fed’s for the Stock Market’s Next Move-Barron's

The unwinding of the yen carry trade that was blamed for August’s short-lived market turbulence might not be finished yet. That makes the Bank of Japan, not the Federal Reserve, the most important central bank meeting next week.

One theme that really played out last week was nuclear power. We continue to talk about the potential in AI power generation, and how nuclear will have to be part of the mix. I believe I also saw a story about Putin restricting uranium exports last week that could have contributed to this move. NNE and SMR are the two names I have been in.


I will continue to look for more names in this area, but remember this is likely to be a bumpy ride. CEG and SO are two other potential beneficiaries.


Meanwhile, I just saw this. Know nothing about geothermal but will keep an eye out...

Geothermal energy could outperform nuclear power-The Economist

Last week continued to show that you need to be buying dips in AI names. Problem going forward is which ones? A reader correctly pointed out a couple of weeks ago that while the internet was also a game changer, a rising tide doesn't lift all boats. There will be companies that execute and those that don't. I will again mention Larry Connors AI Traders report for those of you who are serious about trading AI names.

Comments out of ORCL last week are telling....

“If your horizon is over next five years, maybe even the next ten years I wouldn’t worry about it…This business is just growing larger and larger and larger. There is no slowdown or shift coming.”

Crap asset class, lots or risk not a lot of reward.....

Junk Bonds Tend to Struggle in September. This Year Looks Different.-Barron's