The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
March 26, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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Why our institutions keep going woke and going broke-NY Post

“Can’t anybody here play this game?”

Those were the words manager Casey Stengel addressed to the bumbling 1962 New York Mets. 

But nowadays, it might just as reasonably be addressed to the people who run our biggest and most important institutions.

“Get woke, go broke” has been a catchphrase for several years. 

Yet the people at the top of major corporations and government agencies keep, well, getting woke and going broke.

Which makes me wonder why.

Should be. Is ESG The Toxic Wordle In Asset Management?-Forbes

Morningstar reports mediocre investment performance combined with political scrutiny in the US made 2023 the worst calendar year for sustainable investing since Morningstar started keeping track over ten years ago. Investors pulled over $13 billion from sustainable funds in 2023, with equity funds showing the worst underperformance. Demand for sustainable investing remains weak this year.

Biden's DEI mandates on employers fail American workers-Fox News

Unfortunately, the Biden administration’s new proposal risks relegating apprenticeships to a last-resort option for businesses. Many pieces of the proposed rule are concerning, but three in particular represent some of the most problematic changes.   

Will DEI End America - or Will America End DEI?-Real Clear Politics

Our future hinges on how quickly we discard DEI orthodoxy and simply make empirical decisions to stop printing money, deter enemies abroad, enforce our laws, punish criminals, secure the border, reboot the military, regain energy independence, and judge citizens on their character and talent and not their appearance and politics—at least if it is not already too late.

Former Lululemon CEO Slams Current Leadership For DEI Initiatives, 'Some Women's Bodies Just Actually Don't Work...You Don't Want Certain Customers'-Benzinga

Wilson criticized Lululemon’s approach in an interview with Forbes, stating, “They’re trying to become like the Gap, everything to everybody. And I think the definition of a brand is that you’re not everything to everybody... You’ve got to be clear that you don’t want certain customers coming in.”

This isn’t the first instance of Wilson making disparaging comments targeting consumers. In 2013, he faced backlash for remarks suggesting that “some women’s bodies just actually don’t work,” prompting accusations of fatphobia.

Ted Cruz Blasts Biden Intel Office Over Diversity Newsletter: ‘Worse Than Silly. It’s Dangerous’-Daily Wire

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted the Biden administration’s top intelligence office in response to a diversity newsletter it sent out instructed intelligence agents to avoid using “problematic language” when discussing Islamic terrorism and celebrating crossdressing in its ranks.


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