The Woke Street Journal
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February 16, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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I talked to about 8 reporters yesterday about DWAC (Truth Social SPAC). Not for the faint of heart, but a way to bet on Trump. Just be careful. The Newest Trump Trade: Betting on Truth Social in an Election Year-WSJ

DWAC is “the meme-iest of the meme stocks because you’ve got Trump involved,” said Matthew Tuttle, chief executive of Tuttle Capital Management, which oversees a fund that holds special-purpose acquisition companies.

I don’t think I said anything pro Trump in any of my quotes but that didn’t stop someone from sending me an obscenity laced email calling me all sorts of names.

An ESG Asset Manager Exodus-WSJ

Three big firms—JPMorgan Asset Management, BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors—exit the Climate Action pressure group

The ESG Backlash on Wall Street Spurs a Jump in ETF Closures-Bloomberg

The dwindling demand is evident in the Americas from the slowdown in sales of new exchange-traded funds and the pickup in fund closures and outflows, according to Shaheen Contractor, senior ESG strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence. In 2023, the region saw just 48 new ETFs introduced, down from 104 in 2022 and 125 in 2021, data compiled by Bloomberg Intelligence show.

ESG is not dying in NY. New York Partially Divests From Exxon Over Climate Worries-Barron’s

New York isn’t a top shareholder in the companies, but the move is indicative of a trend among some large institutional investors to get out of oil and gas. Other states have taken similar steps, with Maine passing legislation in 2021 forcing its pensions to divest from fossil fuels. If big oil companies can’t attract as much large institutional money, it could thin out their investment base and eventually impact valuations.

A Lesson in Wokeness Of course this is a story about California, but it can happen anywhere.-WSJ

“Woke Kindergarten’s contract in East Bay school terminated after national backlash,” says a San Francisco Chronicle headline this week. Sure sounds like progress. The consulting firm has been training teachers at Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward, Calif., to inculcate children with radical politics while math and English scores have plummeted.

Does DEI Still Matter?-Bloomberg

Given the ongoing legal assault on corporate diversity, equity and inclusion policies, executives might wonder if trying to promote programs that cultivate a diverse workforce is even worth the effort. Zoom recently became the latest company to eliminate its DEI team—one created in the wake of the 2020 George Floyd protests—in favor of working with external consultants. Google and Meta have already slashed their DEI programs and budgets.

As more companies divest from or go quiet on DEI, the unsaid message is that avoiding a lawsuit or angering conservative pundits is more important than addressing the factors that cause their workforces to have low representation of Black and Hispanic employees.

Disney SLAPPED with civil rights complaint over 50% DEI goal for 'underrepresented' actors and crew that sidelines 'white, Christian men' - using files leaked by Elon Musk-Daily Mail

I do think they are pretty woke. Canada is a lot less ‘woke’ than you might think…-MLI

Texas’s War on DEI The Lone Star State takes aim at diversity programs at public universities, with varying success.-City Journal

Texas, for example, banned DEI offices and functions at public universities in 2023. To ensure compliance, the state requires public universities to submit annual reports to the legislature and makes similar demands of each school’s governing board. Colleges or universities defying the ban must either correct their violations or face financial penalties.

Biden’s LNG ‘Gift’ to Vladimir Putin Russian media are thrilled by the U.S. natural gas export ban.-WSJ

“Now it is not Russia, but the United States that wants to bring the Germans to their knees,” gloated the Russian newspaper Pravda after the Energy Department imposed a moratorium on permits for new LNG export projects last month. Pravda argued that Germany will eventually have to return to buying Russian gas because it will have no other choice, and it may be right.

Isn’t their job to keep us safe? State Department Releases Updated Plan To ‘Embed Equity’ Into All Aspects Of Foreign Policy-Daily Wire

C’mon, I’m 55 and I don’t understand pronouns. 90-Year-Old Woman Fired by National Multiple Sclerosis Society for Not Understanding ‘Pronouns’-Breitbart

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