The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
January 16, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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Wow. Months ago I was told that Vivek’s roll was to take out Desantis, and for that he would be rewarded with either a Senate seat or a roll in the administration. Vivek Ramaswamy Drops Out of GOP Presidential Race, Endorses Trump-WSJ

Corporate America Second Guessing Woke Policies Amid Backlash, Shareholder Concerns-Shore News

Amid growing legal challenges and shifting public opinions, several corporations are reassessing their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices. Reports from multiple outlets indicate that this reevaluation comes in response to legal pressure from conservative activists, shareholders, and investors, as well as concerns over recent Supreme Court decisions and allegations of discrimination.

Go Woke Go Broke: 10 Brands That Abandoned Their Core Audience and Paid the Price-Max My Money

What it looks like when woke capitalism takes a nap-Axios

While BlackRock is adamant that anti-ESG campaigning within the Republican Party isn't affecting its votes, its behavior is at least consistent with a more conciliatory stance toward such critics.

Go Woke Go Broke. Pixar Facing Layoffs Amid Disney Struggles-Newsweek

In November, Disney announced it would be slashing costs after losing almost $1 billion due to box office flops in 2023. In an earnings call, Disney CEO Bob Iger said the company would cut an additional $2 billion in expenses in 2024.

Missouri Anti-ESG Rules At Risk In Court Decision-Mintz

On January 5, 2024, Judge Bough (W.D. Mo.) denied the motion to dismiss filed by the Missouri Secretary of State and the Missouri Securities Commissioner in the SIFMA v. Ashcroft litigation.  This case concerns a legal challenge to the rules promulgated by Missouri that require financial services professionals--broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser representatives--to specifically disclose if they “incorporate a social objective or other nonfinancial objective into a discretionary investment decision.”  In other words, Missouri sought to require that any use of ESG objectives in investment decisions be specifically disclosed--and thus, in effect, discouraged.  

BlackRock To Make Massive Infrastructure Move To ‘Decarbonize The World’ And Reap Government Subsidies-Daily Caller

BlackRock on Friday reached an agreement to acquire Global Infrastructure Partners for $12.5 billion, a move aimed at advancing the investment giant’s climate objectives and capitalizing on government subsidies, according to statements and reports.

At least they are consistent. Biden’s EPA Failed To Properly Report Almost Every Dollar It Gave Out In 2022, Audit Finds-Daily Caller

People with severe intellectual disability or psychiatric disability are not who I want watching over things as I am flying through the air in a metal tube. FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities-NY Post

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

Johns Hopkins dean apologizes to staff after DEI officer sent woke hit list email telling them that anyone white, male or Christian is 'privileged' - but she gets to keep her job-Daily Mail

Of course Elon weighed in. 'This must end!' Elon Musk wades into woke row as hospital sends out 'hit list' of groups automatically guilty of privilege-GBN

Bill Ackman Slams Harvard Endowment, Forms Think Tank to Probe Higher Education-Bloomberg

To continue his scrutiny of antisemitism and diversity, equity and inclusion policies on US campuses, Ackman plans to form a team that will go “after these issues in a very aggressive way,” he said.

Wonder how they police that. Civil Service woke madness: Pronouns aren't enough... you must THINK of trans colleagues as women now!-Daily Mail

Elon Musk is right about Alaska Airlines blowout — Boeing’s DEI push could literally kill people-NY Post

Specifically, he pointed out that Boeing in 2022 began rewarding execs financially for hitting climate and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion targets — shifting sole focus away from safety and quality, where it had been before. 

Federal Contracting Is the Next DEI Target Companies are required to meet strict hiring ‘goals’ that would be illegal anywhere else.-WSJ

Federal regulations require prime contractors or subcontractors “with 50 or more employees and a contract of $50,000 or more” to submit “a written affirmative action program” for each of their locations. The rules dictate that a contractor’s workforce should “reflect the gender, racial and ethnic profile of the labor pools from which the contractor recruits and selects.” Employing less than 80% of the local share of “any race, sex, or ethnic group” is categorized as an “adverse impact.” Failure to comply with these federal diversity mandates could mean the cancellation of existing contracts, and violators could be barred from doing future business with the federal government. It’s safest to hire by the numbers.

I guess it doesn’t matter then. Curious what the long term solution is though. AOC Pressed On NYC Placing Illegal Immigrants In High School: ‘Not In My District … Shouldn’t Be Long-Term Solution’-Daily Wire

Interestingly stakeholder capitalism vs. shareholder capitalism is the crux of the ESG issue. Ben Shapiro Explains What Americans Need To Know About The World Economic Forum’s Agenda-Daily Wire

“The World Economic Forum was first established in 1971, led by a German engineer, economist, and professor with a master’s from Harvard. His name was Klaus Schwab. Schwab was the originator of a theory of governance and markets he called stakeholder capitalism, defined in opposition to shareholder capitalism,” Shapiro said. 

Shareholder capitalism is when businesses primarily focus on returns to investors while stakeholder capitalism suggests that businesses should answer to the world at large. 

W.H.O. Picks Trans Activists to Set Global Child-Rearing Rules — Less than Half of Panel Has Medical Background-Breitbart

Eleven members of the W.H.O.’s 21-member panel have no formal medical training, seven are transgender, and just ten have a medical background, according to a report by Daily Mail.

One of them is reportedly a controversial Canadian trans activist who has a strong influence on the Chinese app TikTok and says puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children, regardless of their gender identity, so they can “choose” their gender rather than being assigned one by society.

Another of the W.H.O.’s committee members says that transitioning causes no health problems and claims the only “actual side effects” of getting a sex change are a “significantly improved quality of life … and trans joy.”

Just think of how bad it would be if we didn’t have global warming. Bone-Chilling Cold Tests Power Grids From Texas to Alberta-Bloomberg


Not outside my house


Ok, that explains the snow plows this morning

At least Davos is all about climate change, oh wait. Dark Davos: Escort Services "Completely Booked" As WEF Begins-ZeroHedge

Massachusetts Officials Pleading with Private Homeowners to Take in Illegal Aliens-Breitbart

These steps have sent many wondering if the state intends to make more serious attempts to place illegals in people’s homes. One reason for that suspicion is that Massachusetts is the only state with a “right to housing” law for families, though it does not cover single homeless individuals.

The plan was to turn Texas blue, Illinois is already blue, so you can understand why he’s pissed. J.B. Pritzker Complains That Texas Keeps Sending Illegal Aliens To Illinois-Daily Wire

Turkey detains Israeli soccer player for ‘100 days’ message-AP

Turkish authorities have detained soccer club Antalyaspor’s Israeli player Sagiv Jehezkel for questioning after he displayed solidarity with people held hostage by the Hamas militant organization during a top-flight league game.

The player told police he was simply calling for an end to the war when after scoring a goal he displayed a bandage on his wrist with the words “100 Days 7.10” — in reference to Oct. 7, the day Hamas attacked Israel and the hostages were abducted — next to a Star of David.

Sounds like fun. ‘We Must Normalize Massacres’: Anti-Israel Activist Earns Cheers From London Crowd; Critics Blast Police Response-Daily Wire

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