The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
December 1, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Corporate Woke-ism Is Dying-The Messenger

For several years, the zeitgeist pointed in a decidedly left-wing direction. But in the past few years, ESG investing has fallen into serious decline, as the veneer of “corporate responsibility” hit a solid wall. It turns out that such virtue signaling is not only rejected by many consumers but also unprofitable.

Who had the under? Israel Resumes Combat Operations in Gaza as Cease-Fire Stalls-WSJ

And they are going to do that how? Rift Over Fossil Fuels to Dominate COP28-WSJ

World leaders gathered for climate talks in this oil-rich corner of the globe amid sharp divisions over how quickly governments need to wean their economies off fossil fuels to prevent the planet from blowing past the Paris accord’s temperature targets.

Why Climate Advocates Demand a ‘Just Transition’ Away From Fossil Fuels-Bloomberg

As they do, a question arises: What happens to the workers and communities that depend on fossil fuel industries?

‘Twitter Files’ Journalists Describe ‘Election Interference’ By Network Of Online Censors-Daily Caller

Texas AG Sues Pfizer For ‘Conspiring To Censor’ COVID-19 Vaccine Critics-Daily Caller

University Stops Requiring DEI Statements Under Pressure From Free Speech Org-Daily Caller

The University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston) has removed DEI statements from their job applications after facing pressure from a non-profit organization, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE).

Nolte: CEO Bob Iger Claims Disney Will Stop the Propaganda – Don’t Believe Him-Breitbart

Is Disney going broke after becoming ‘woke’? Sen. Ted Cruz said Disney has embodied the phrase, ‘go woke, go broke’-Deseret News

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on his “Verdict” podcast this week, called the disclosures “stunning,” adding, “Because what that means, is No. 1, Disney has lost billions of dollars. The phrase, ‘go woke, go broke,’ Disney has sadly embodied that phrase.”

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