The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
April 22, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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Waving the American flag would probably be seen as a hate crime. Democrats Waive Ukrainian Flags On House Floor While Chanting ‘Ukraine!’-Daily Wire

I’m obviously not a fan of ESG, but climate transition from an investment standpoint could be interesting. No matter what I think of this whole issue, it’s where the economy is going, so going to be some winners and losers here. Will be watching this area for opportunities, long or short. BlackRock Extends Its Dominance in Fast-Growing Corner of ESG-Bloomberg

Transition strategies entail investing in companies deemed instrumental in shifting toward a low-carbon economy. Last year, funds offering the strategy grew 25% to almost $210 billion, according to data provided by Morningstar Inc. And no asset manager drew as much investor cash to transition funds as BlackRock, the data show.

Corporations struggle on climate goals amid backlash over 'woke capitalism,' experts say-ABC News

Many firms have struggled to follow through on ambitious, years-old climate pledges, in part due to high interest rates that make funding more expensive, the experts added, noting that some environmentally conscious companies have bucked the trend.

This is going to be a mess. Here Come the Anti-Woke AIs-WSJ

To counterbalance what some believe are the biases of consumer-facing AIs from big tech companies, a grassroots effort to create AIs with few or no guardrails is under way. The goal: AIs that reflect anyone’s values, even ones the creators of these AIs might disagree with.

To highlight how their AI is different from OpenAI’s, Nimmagadda asked both ChatGPT 4 and the uncensored “Liberty” AI available on FreedomGPT the same question, about what the public was told about the Covid-19 vaccine. In his testing, ChatGPT-4 Turbo demurs, while the Liberty AI readily enumerates a list of ways the government “lied” about the covid vaccine. In my own testing, I found the difference more subtle—ChatGPT-4 Turbo frames the changing public messaging around the covid vaccine as a natural part of the scientific process, in which experts’ understanding of the effects of a treatment evolves. (Large language models often give slightly different answers to the same question—it’s in their nature.)

Attacks on Corporate DEI Intensify With Boeing Supplier Probe-Bloomberg

The Republican attorney general, who was recently acquitted in an impeachment trial over corruption allegations, instructed Spirit to release documents on its DEI commitments for an investigation that will examine “whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.”

On a daily chart BA looks a bit extended to the downside, but on a weekly it’s sitting on strong support, which if it breaks, could bring the stock down to $120

SPR looks like a short if it breaks below the 50 day.

Riley Gaines Says Biden Has ‘Abolished Title IX’; Breaks Down What This Means For Women-Daily Wire

Meanwhile….Five West Virginia Middle School Girls Refuse To Compete At Track Meet To Protest Trans-Identifying Player-Daily Wire

Iran and China must be shaking in their boots. Military Could Hit Troops With Court-Martials For Refusing To Use Preferred Pronouns, Experts Say-Daily Caller

Most American’s can’t afford to fill up their tanks at this point, and last time I looked the world still runs on fossil fuels. Biden Piles Sanctions on Alaska As the election nears, he’s blocking oil drilling and mining in the state.-WSJ

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan likes to quip that the Biden Administration has imposed more sanctions on Alaska than he has on Iran. He has a point. On Friday the Administration further restricted oil, gas and critical mineral development in the Last Frontier State.

Further proof that the intelligence agencies are the tail that wags the dog. Really glad I’m not a Christian Nationalist. Senate Passes Spying Bill, Rejecting Privacy Concerns-WSJ

And then there is the military industrial complex. I have not seen anyone show how giving more aid to Ukraine equals them actually beating Russia without US boots on the ground. Speaker Johnson’s Ukraine Package Clears Key Hurdle With Democratic Help-WSJ

Mike Johnson’s Spending Bill Includes $300M for Border Patrol — in Ukraine-Breitbart

Slippery slope here. If she really does promote anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli views I don’t agree with her, but she has a right to free speech. USC Removes Commencement Speakers, Honorees After Canceling Valedictorian’s Speech-WSJ

The move capped a tumultuous week for USC, which drew a backlash after announcing that valedictorian Asna Tabassum, a Muslim student, would no longer deliver a speech at the university’s commencement ceremony on May 10. Provost Andrew Guzman, in a letter published Monday, cited safety concerns for the decision, noting that discussion around the valedictorian had “taken on an alarming tenor.”


We need more help on the anti-woke front, but in what world is this news? 'Crazy plane lady' Tiffany Gomas comes out as 'anti-woke' with bikini-and-beer pic-Fox News

Split image of Tiffany Gomas on plane and in bikini pic

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