The Woke Street Journal
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February 20, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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Friday’s major news was the verdict in Trump’s civil fraud case, which came as no surprise. Heard some commentators saying that other real estate developers should be worried, not they shouldn’t, not unless they are running for office and against the establishment party line. Real estate is an asset where you don’t know the exact value. I am not a real estate developer, but would assume that everyone tries to inflate the value and would also assume the banks lending to them know what they are doing. I am also not a lawyer, but have engaged them before, and my understanding is you need damages. Not sure where those are here. Trump’s $355 Million Civil Fraud Verdict The judge found he inflated his assets, but this penalty is unreal.-WSJ

Maybe he can borrow some money from the Biden’s. Marlow: ‘The Bidens Were Clearly Given Millions of Dollars from Entities All Over the World’-Breitbart

Of course they are, they make money from assets under management. JPMorgan's Exit From Climate Group Sparks 'Greenhushing' Debate After the bank’s asset-management arm said it was leaving Climate Action 100+, investors are questioning if this means money managers are growing fearful of anti-ESG backlash.-Bloomberg

BlackRock’s illusion of choice: Are investors truly empowered — or manipulated?-The Blaze

While giving individual investors a say in the votes related to their holdings is a good thing, this new scheme on closer inspection appears to be a way for BlackRock to push climate and social-related policies while making it seem like clients voted for them. Very sneaky.

ESG/Net Zero: A Partial Retreat?-National Review

If climate policymakers stick with the 2050 target, this means that more will have to be done to within a shorter period. This will increase the likelihood of severe political and economic dislocation, which is unlikely to be good for business or to deliver the desired result within the desired period. Adding insult to injury, it is not the best way of coping with a changing climate.

Texas still skeptical about companies claiming to withdraw from ESG commitments-Denton Record-Chronicle

The announcements came after the Texas Comptroller has been adding financial companies to its list of those that boycott the oil and natural gas industry by implementing ESG policies. Fifteen companies and 353 publicly traded investment funds are on the list, including Blackrock, Inc., which has been on the list since August 2022. 

Why Trump is wrong about Bud Light-Washington Examiner

“Woke” or not, both sides of this argument miss the real point. The purpose of a public company is not to advance conservative or progressive social values. Its purpose is to turn a profit.

Nike to Lay Off 1,600 Employees After Stock Dip and Woke Drama-Breitbart

“This is a painful reality and not one that I take lightly,” Donahoe, who is also the chairman of PayPal, announced. “We are not currently performing at our best, and I ultimately hold myself and my leadership team accountable.” 

More Than Half of FTSE 100 Companies Now Have ESG Committees-Bloomberg

A dedicated ESG committee can help a company speed up the push toward net-zero goals, lower emissions faster and boost investments in carbon offsets. Better ESG credentials, in turn, can improve a company’s eligibility for ESG-focused funds, raise the liquidity of its shares, and support the stock price.

Woke California mayor who axed $10M from cop budget now wants to fight crime-NY Post

“Little late now, isn’t it?” said one downtown Berkeley merchant. “You bash cops, cut funds, and now you want to address it? It’s hilarious. This area was not like this five years ago. The business owners have had it.”

No, ESG and DEI don’t just have a branding problem-Fortune

However, we should be equally worried about the growing “rebrand” movement. By focusing on terminology, those of us who support corporate diversity efforts are falling into a classic progressive trap: “We haven’t explained the issue well enough. If only they understood, we’d win.” This is the next iteration of the intellectual condescension that has been a major contributor to the rise of populism.

Disney Board Wants To Hide Political Donations, Spending On Sex Changes From Shareholders, Docs Reveal-Daily Caller

The 2024 proxy vote ballot for Disney’s annual shareholder meeting, scheduled for April 2, reveals the board doesn’t want the public, or even their own shareholders, to know how much Disney spends on “gender transition compensation and benefits” for its staff. Despite the board’s suggested vote to shareholders, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) and National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) are urging the company to release the data.

Big Climate Tries to Censor Opponents Progressives move to block TV ads opposing the Biden EV mandate.-WSJ

If President Biden’s electric-vehicle mandate is as popular as progressives claim, why are they trying to censor critics who want to inform the public about the mandate’s costs?

Even Californians aren’t hot on the EV craze anymore-Washington Examiner

Electric vehicle sales in California dropped significantly in the last half of 2023, the first such drop in more than a decade. The high prices for EVs, paired with the already high cost of living in California and the fact that EVs are unreliable for driving longer distances, have sales going down even as California intends to force everyone into electric vehicles by 2035. The state’s plan requires 35% of all new vehicle sales to be EVs by 2026. That number sits at 20.1%, meaning the plan is behind schedule.

RFK Jr.: Trans Athletes Should Not Be Allowed To Compete Against Women-Daily Wire

“I don’t think somebody who is born a biological male should be competing in consequential women’s sports,” Kennedy said. “Oh, if it’s an in-house league, or something like that, and it’s all — but if it’s a competition when  there are scholarships at stake, where people are on career paths, or career trajectories, it’s not fair.”

Yet cereal is better for you than meat? Study: 80% of Americans test positive for chemical found in some cereals that may cause infertility, disrupted fetal growth-The Blaze

Could happen to anyone. Man worried he might be ‘Woke’ after happily using a gender-neutral toilet without realising-News Thump

Video: Trans Controversy Erupts When Girls Basketball Game Ends In Forfeit Following Three Injuries-Daily Wire

Video allegedly taken from the game has been posted online, showing a tall male appearing to injure a female player from Collegiate Charter.

“Trans-identified male player for Kipp Academy in MA injured 3 girls before half time causing Lowell Collegiate Charter School to forfeit,” Riley Gaines, a top collegiate swimmer-turned-girls sports advocate, captioned the video. “A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it’s called brave. Who watches this & actually thinks this is ‘compassionate, kind, and inclusive’?”

“This Is Sick’: British Hospitals Say “Milk” From Men Equal To Mothers’ Breast Milk For Babies-Daily Wire

A British trust that supervises numerous hospitals issued a letter claiming that milk produced by biological men (with the aid of ingested hormones) is as good for babies as breast milk from their mothers.

Whenever someone tells me the science is “settled” I get scared. The science is never settled, we never know what we don’t know. Yet people have been using this argument to censor for thousands of years. Glenn Beck Sounds Alarm On New Censorship Effort Targeting ‘New Climate Denial’-Daily Wire

A controversial British group called the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which has reportedly already worked with the White House, is pressuring Big Tech companies in the U.S. to target so-called “New Denial” of climate change.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Strongly Oppose Secret ‘Woke’ Civics Classes-Breitbart

A Rasmussen Reports survey revealed Monday that 66 percent of voters believe parents should be told if their children are being taught that the United States was founded on the concepts of racism and white supremacy.

@WallStreetSilv Thousands of Students in Ontario Face Suspensions Over Vaccines... 18,000 students in Canada are facing suspension if they don't update their vaccine records. They are forcing students to take experimental vaccines that are known to be high risk and unnecessary for young people.


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