The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
November 14, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Europe is a mess, and in light of that you have the UK reshuffling their cabinet (below). I can’t help but think what’s going on there is a warning for the US. Seeing a bunch of articles on how the media plans on attacking Trump, comparing him to Hitler and Stalin, and saying he will create concentration camps. Meanwhile, our intelligence is confirming what we already knew, Hamas has bases in hospitals.

Is the UK our canary in the coal mine? Rishi Sunak Rearranges the Deck Chairs Britain’s Prime Minister reshuffles his cabinet instead of his policies.-WSJ

The reshuffle brought two major personnel changes. One is the firing of Suella Braverman as home secretary with responsibility for policing and immigration. Her sins are said to include publishing a controversial column last week in the Times of London (which shares ownership with this newspaper) criticizing pro-Palestine marches in London, and failing to stop illegal immigration across the English Channel.

Sunak’s new cabinet meets, as Tory chair says Esther McVey will not be minister for ‘anti-woke’ – UK politics live-The Guardian

The woke-Hamas alliance is real_Jewish News Syndicate

Why? After U.S. Official Confirms Hamas Has Command Center Under Hospital, Biden Calls For Hospital To Be ‘Protected’-Daily Wire

Not like we need that money here, or even have it really. John Kerry Promises The US Will Pay ‘Millions’ In Climate Reparations To Poor Countries-Daily Caller

The Marvels bombs at weekend box office after anti-woke backlash-Washington Examiner

Homer Simpson won't stop strangling Bart, defying woke calls: 'Nothing's getting tamed'-Fox News

Women ousted from sorority after backing lawsuit to remove transgender member A federal judge dismissed a case against Kappa Kappa Gamma in August over the right of a sorority to choose its members-Fox News

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