The Woke Street Journal
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January 24, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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Jefferies put out a note last night on ESG flows, here is the summary:

Retail flows into ESG products in 4Q23 were negative. US ESG funds posted -$4.8B of outflows (5th qtr of cons. outflows), while non-US ESG flows equaled -$3.7B (vs prev 8 qtr avg of +$33B). US outflows almost doubled vs 3Q23, while non-US saw outflows vs inflows of +$9.7B in 3Q23. Active ESG fund performance continues to lag non-ESG funds in terms of % of funds outperforming benchmarks. New ESG fund launches are down -68% y/y for US and -70% y/y for non-US.

How about not letting the company engage in DEI? How boards can protect companies from the anti-DEI movement-Fortune

Elon Musk: DEI Discriminatory and Fundamentally Anti-Semitic-NTD

In an interview with commentator Ben Shapiro on Jan. 22 at the European Jewish Association Conference in Poland, the owner of X (formerly Twitter) said people should “always be wary of any name that sounds like it could come out of a George Orwell book.”

“Diversity, equity, inclusion, these all sound like nice words. But what it really means is discrimination on the basis of race, sex, and sexual orientation, and it’s against merit,” Mr. Musk said. “Thus, I think, [it] is fundamentally anti-Semitic.”

WATCH: Crowd goes silent after hearing Elon Musk give Ben Shapiro his warning-The Blaze

“I think we need to return to what things were (or mostly were), which is a focus on merit. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a man or a woman, what race you are, what beliefs you have; what matters is how good are you at your job,” Musk explained, adding that “that's the least racist [or] sexist you can be.”

This is crazy. I heard her mention this on the PBD podcast a while back, but she didn’t name names and there was no proof at that point, now there is.  Arizona GOP chair attempted to offer money to Kari Lake to stay out of Senate race, in recording 
Jeff DeWit allegedly made the offer to Lake in March 2023.

As someone who probably owns their stock I hope they pick performance. The Best of Reason: Is ESG Already Over? CEOs are beginning to wonder what to do when environmental, social, and governance factors are at odds with performance.-Reason

I fondly remember when banks lent money looking at quaint things like credit risk and the viability of a business. Banks Are Asking Investors to Look Past a Dreaded ESG Metric-Bloomberg

The EBF’s comments come a day after the European Central Bank warned that euro-area banks’ lending books are “substantially misaligned” with the Paris Agreement, opening them up to “elevated reputational and litigation risk.” Lenders are coming under increasing pressure to adapt their businesses to the realities of climate change, yet face challenges from a lack of suitable data to slow progress in decarbonizing the broader economy.

Harvard’s ‘Apartheid’ Prof and the Antisemitism Task Force-WSJ

Harvard University has been embroiled in a public brawl over antisemitism, causing much reputational harm. So how does the school propose to get past this mess, reassure Jewish students and restore comity on campus? Well, how about appointing to lead an antisemitism task force a professor who believes Israel operates a “regime of apartheid” that employs “Jewish supremacism”?

Forget about closing the border, this is the answer to the migrant crisis. Coming soon to a blue state near you. Illinois City Councilman Suggests Rich People Host Illegal Immigrants In Homes Amid Border Crisis-Daily Wire

Court Declares Justin Trudeau’s Sweeping Actions To Suppress Trucker Protests Were Illegal-Daily Caller

I wish this wasn’t fake news. 'Doctor Who' Ratings Saved As The Doctor Regenerates Into Dr. Jordan Peterson-Babylon Bee

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@NickFondacaro: CNN's exit polls show that 70% of Nikki Haley voters are NOT registered Republicans. (Dems and Indies trying to stop DJT by voting for Haley)


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