The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
April 17, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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To be fair, some proponents of woke capital argue that ESG is “good for business” in that it merely helps avoid short-termism and better captures all the risks impacting long-term value. To this, critics respond by noting that profit-maximizing capitalism already takes all material information into consideration and already includes time horizons in its expected value calculations. Thus, one should rightly be suspicious of ESG operating as a Trojan horse for pushing a leftist agenda that advocates can’t get implemented via democratic means. This becomes a particularly compelling concern once one notices that there appears to be little, if any, light between standard ESG platforms and the wish lists of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Protestations that this is all just shareholder democracy in action rightly fall on deaf ears once one notices that what ESG proponents call shareholder democracy is actually powerful institutions like BlackRock, Glass Lewis and the SEC leveraging other people’s money to advance the ideological preferences of their managerial elite.

Climate lockdowns anyone? Transport Minister Threatens Germans With "Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban" To Meet Mandated Emissions Targets-ZeroHedge

Wow, didn’t see that coming. NPR suspends veteran editor Uri Berliner, who called out left-wing bias-NY Post

Because they have no idea if man made climate change is real, and if it is, how going to net zero is going to help. Mike Lee Leaves Biden’s Energy Sec Flummoxed With Simple Question About Climate Agenda

“That’s still not the answer to the question. The question is, what impact is that going to have? We have just talked about the fact that it is going to cost $275 trillion to get there, and we have talked about the fact that it’s going to cost the global economy nine or ten trillion dollars a year in order to get there,” Lee responded. “So, what does that buy us? What does that do? Now, you’re saying, yes, we’re trying to not have temperatures increase more than the defined amount that you just described. But what impact does this have? What does it do for global temperatures if we get to net-zero?”

Was wondering when they would bring it back to climate change…


Google Employees Arrested While Occupying CEO’s Office With Anti-Israel Demands-Daily Wire

‘Rather Despicable’: John Eastman Speaks Out After Bank Of America, USAA Shut Down His Accounts-Daily Caller

“De-banking” is a phenomenon in which financial institutions refuse financial service to the targets of political activism, who often end up being conservatives.

“What these banks are doing is they’re saying you’re either high risk, or we don’t want to do business with you, or whatever it is. There’s no methodology behind this. There’s no kind of reason that matches traditional indicators or traditional metrics that a bank would use to calculate your liquidity, your credit score, whatever it is. They’re using these non-financial factors, and then making these decisions and just like closing people’s accounts,” Eric Bledsoe, an expert on de-banking for the Foundation for Government Accountability, told the Daily Caller.

What’s going on with math?


Not surprised…..


MSNBC host praises 'DEI' officials prosecuting Trump: 'Wonderfully poetic'—Fox News

MSNBC host Joy Reid praised some of the Black public officials prosecuting former President Trump, saying Monday "my DEIs are bringing it home."

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