The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
February 21, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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I am traveling to Washington DC today and tomorrow (board meeting, not a protest) so likely no note tomorrow.

ESG debate: Profit or politics?-CNBC

Former Kentucky AG Cameron says ESG is destroying America's energy independence-Just the News

"At the end of the day, ESG is an acronym that really is about destroying this country's energy independence, and bolstering the ability of our foreign adversaries to make us dependent on their energy resources," Cameron said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. 

Going to take more than this for me to boycott, or short, Chipotle, but c’mon, In college I pretty much called everyone “dude”. Chipotle Faces Boycott Calls-Newsweek

"But I was recently training a new hire (somebody I've never met in my life mind that), and as I'm showing them how to set up line I say 'oh bro we never move anything without gloves.'

"They snap back and say 'my pronouns are they/them use them correctly or don't talk to me.' I take a step back and go throughout my day without speaking to the little s***."

Later into the shift, the general manager pulled the poster aside. The new employee had reported them for "misgendering harassment."

"[The manager] said his hands are tied," Extreme_Paper5550 continued. "I have to receive a full-a** write up. Like I'm not tripping right? Should I just quit or what [because what the f***]."

Wow. If the New York Times is calling for you to step down that’s saying something. Democrats Have a Better Option Than Biden-NY Times

We had to wait till this year — till now, really — to see Biden even begin to show what he’d be like on the campaign trail. And what I think we’re seeing is that he is not up for this. He is not the campaigner he was, even five years ago. That’s not insider reporting on my part. Go watch a speech he gave in Pennsylvania, kicking off his campaign in 2019. And then go watch the speech he gave last month, in Valley Forge, kicking off his election campaign. No comparison here. Both speeches are on YouTube, and you can see it. The way he moves, the energy in his voice. The Democrats denying decline are only fooling themselves.

This looks like a problem also. Biden’s brother used his name to promote a hospital chain. Then it collapsed.-Politico

POLITICO’s investigation did not find that Joe Biden involved himself in the firm or took actions on its behalf. However, Joe Biden did benefit indirectly from his brother’s work with the firm. On the same day Jim Biden received a $200,000 payment from Americore, he made out a check for his brother Joe. The White House has said the check was for repayment of a loan, but did not respond to questions about the circumstances of the loan, including whether Joe Biden was aware of his brother’s income from Americore.

The media really want’s Haley. Not sure I would call being bludgeoned tenacity. Nikki Haley Makes Her Case to Keep Running She’s showing tenacity that is an important trait in a President.-WSJ

I was fine replacing “where no man has gone before” with “where no one has gone before” on Star Trek, but manpower, father, mother? Biden's woke sec of state Antony Blinken scolded staffers over 'problematic' language like 'manpower' Blinken told staffers at the State Department not to use "problematic" terms such as "manpower," "mother," and "father" in a memo. -Post Millennial

According to a memo from the State Department obtained by the National Review, in early February, Blinken told staff about the dangers of "misgendering" as well as using terms that “can be problematic” such as "manpower" as well as “son/daughter" and “husband/wife.”

As someone who follows a carnivore diet this war on meat really pisses me off. Follow the money, who makes the meat alternatives? One Simple Change to Reduce Your Climate Impact? Swap Out Beef-Bloomberg

Unlike a meal’s price, the greenhouse-gas footprint of food isn’t typically spelled out. But you don’t need to ask a climate scientist to find out either. There’s one simple trick for identifying the highest impact item on almost any menu: If there’s beef, that’s probably it.

I would also question how green EVs are also. Maybe we should all drive gas guzzlers and just stop eating meat. As Hybrids Become More Popular, Their Green Benefits Are Questioned-WSJ

Schools should be less focused on CRT, DEI and more focused on actual education: Jillian Anderson-Fox News

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