The Woke Street Journal
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The Woke Street Journal

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Tuttle Capital Management Offers Actively Managed ETFs Based on Forward-Looking Due Diligence-Card Rates

Sad, I grew up reading Sports Illustrated. Conservatives Cheer Mass Layoffs at Sports Illustrated-Newsweek

Conservatives on social media rejoiced on Friday after Sports Illustrated announced mass layoffs, as critics revived backlash that the magazine faced after it partnered with trans model Kim Petras for its 2023 Swimsuit Edition.

So unlike other shareholders who buy XOM to fund retirement or put their kids through school, these guys are buying to impact climate change? Exxon Sues Two ESG Investors The oil giant says Arjuna Capital and Follow This want Exxon’s oil-and-gas business to shrink, putting them at odds with shareholders-WSJ

In a federal lawsuit filed in Texas on Sunday, the Houston-based oil giant said investment firms Arjuna Capital and Follow This became Exxon shareholders only to put forward proposals that would “diminish the company’s existing business.” 

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Votes for Sale! A Startup Is Letting Shareholders Sell Their Proxies The company says it helps investors earn extra cash, but critics warn of potential for abuse-WSJ

The Backlash Against ‘Woke Capitalism’: A Global Perspective-BNN Breaking

Despite the ongoing pushback, responsible capitalism remains a topic of hot debate, with varied levels of acceptance and resistance in different regions. The situation mirrors broader societal and political tensions surrounding sustainability, social equity, and the role of businesses in addressing these issues. The long-term performance of ESG investing remains relevant, even if it might not be referred to as ESG in the future.

DeSantis dropping out has nothing to do with his war on woke. He ran an awful campaign against a guy who you couldn’t afford to make mistakes against. Ron DeSantis put nearly all his eggs in the basket of a ‘war on woke’-The Guardian

Pop Goes the DEI Bubble Claudine Gay’s resignation proved we are moving away from this harmful ideology.-WSJ

Like everything based on the writings of Karl Marx—seeing oppressors and colonial struggles everywhere—DEI was doomed to fail. The uniformity of thought known as intersectionality, fostered by DEI, meant all oppressed people must support all others who are oppressed. But that idea burst on Oct. 7 when Hamas raped, murdered and kidnapped Israelis. Many liberals, especially Jewish ones, couldn’t support genocidal “colonized” terrorists. Pop! The long march is in retreat.

The Harvard of the Unwoke University of Florida President Ben Sasse has a theory of how higher ed succumbed to execrable ideas—and thoughts on reforming it.-WSJ

Would calls for the genocide of Jews be a violation of the University of Florida’s bullying and harassment policy?

“Yes,” says Ben Sasse, UF’s president.

Business is starting to think more about ROI than DEI-Financial Times

Of course this comes from the NY Times. ‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade

In candid private conversations, some wrote favorably of laws criminalizing homosexuality, mocked the appearance of a female college student as overly masculine and criticized Peter Thiel, the prominent gay conservative donor, over his sex life. In email exchanges with the Claremont organizers, the writer Heather Mac Donald derided working mothers who employed people from “the low IQ 3rd world” to care for their children and lamented that some Republicans still celebrated the idea of racially diverse political appointments.

Transgender golfer poised to snatch Ladies Professional Golf Association tour card after winning women's tournament-The Blaze

US Supreme Court ruling on agency powers may impact Biden ESG investing rule-Reuters

An impending U.S. Supreme Court ruling that could curb the regulatory powers of federal agencies may play a critical role in a challenge by Republican-led states to a rule issued by President Joe Biden's administration allowing socially conscious investing by employee retirement plans, according to a new court filing.

U.S. ESG funds notch first year of outflows in 2023-Pensions & Investments

Investors pulled $13 billion from U.S. sustainable funds in 2023, including $5 billion in the fourth quarter alone, due to a combination of lagging performance, politics and one iShares fund's bad year.

Shocking, investors looking for performance. ESG Funds Set a Dismal Record. Performance Was a Drag.-Barron’s

Poor performance was the biggest drag. Sustainable equity funds generally lagged behind their conventional peers in 2023, though not by as large a margin as in 2022. 

Of course they will. Scott, Ramaswamy, and Desantis have nothing to do with anti-woke sentiment, it has to do with trying to beat Donald Trump. Immigration is just the latest anti-woke issue because it has the power to impact our society more than any other issues combined. Ian Explains: Will voters care about "anti-woke" politics in 2024?-Gzero

Milwaukee Public Schools calls for ‘unequal distribution of resources’ in order to ‘dismantle’ whiteness in leaked memo-NY Post

The memo also implored staff members to “create space to have brave conversations about race” to “understand that race plays a role throughout society and education.” It warned faculty to move beyond beliefs such as “I treat everyone equally” and “I don’t see race.”

Is this part of John Kerry’s plan to get rid of farmers? ‘National Security Risk’: Investigation Reveals Biden Admin Failed to Track Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland-Breitbart

Civil servants told they should ‘yield power to the marginalised’ Handout given to senior officials asks them to reflect on 'how actively anti-racist are you?'-The Telegraph

Parents warned to be on the lookout for woke toys, consumer expert declares 'Woke' children's toys push a 'far-left propaganda,' according to expert-Fox Business

A new California law went into effect on January 1 requiring every store in the state that sells childcare items or toys and has more than 500 employees to include a "gender-neutral" toy section or face a $500 fine.  

Daniel Cameron of '1792 Exchange' says ESG goals go against America's values-Fox News

Thank god for global warming then. Why Cold Weather Kills a Tesla – and Every Other EV on the Market-Breitbart

‘Physics for justice’ is woke ideology disguised as science-The Blaze

Are you decolonizing your paleobiology? Are you practicing a feminist glaciology? Have you considered a model that allows for gender fluidity among intersex giraffes and trans gazelles?

Qatar allegedly hired ex-CIA agent to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz, other lawmakers opposed to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood-NY Post

The clandestine document, titled “Project ENDGAME” and drafted by U.S. company Global Risk Advisors (GRA), which was founded by the ex-CIA employee Kevin Chalker, reads, “High Alert: An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar.”

This whole thing is weird:

FBI And Secret Service Are Covering Up Their Role in Alleged January 6 “Pipe Bomb” Plot, New Evidence Suggests - Video footage shows multiple agencies may have lied about the alleged explosive devices and mishandled their investigations
     A video released by Rep. Thomas Massie… shows that a passerby with a backpack alerted Capitol Police officers sitting in their cars outside the DNC that there was a pipe bomb nearby… In the video, Capitol Police do not react with alarm, and they let people, including children, pass just a few feet from the pipe bomb as though it is not dangerous. The evidence suggests that the Capitol Police officers knew the bomb was not a threat… What’s more, Kyle Seraphin, a former FBI agent who worked on the investigation, said the explosive devices were inoperable. Technicians from the Joint Program Office for Countering IEDs, Seraphin stated, told him the devices lacked the necessary assembly to work…

Video from GOP Rep. Massie at link:

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