The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
March 5, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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We are ringing the closing bell for TGLR on the CBOE on Thursday in Chicago. If anyone is around and wants to come please let me know.

Remind me again what climate change has to do with regulating investments? The SEC votes this week on controversial climate change rule: Here’s what’s at

Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler on Wednesday will hold a vote on one of his most controversial proposals: a rule that would require corporate America to disclose material risks posed by climate change.

President Joe Biden said climate risk is an “existential threat” and that it posed a greater risk than nuclear war.

The Stop Woke Investing Act and ‘ESG fatigue’-CEI

Relief may be in sight. Sens. Mike Braun (R-IN), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), and Ted Budd (R-NC) have introduced the Stop Woke Investing Act (S. 3179). A coalition of 13 concerned interest groups have signed a letter in support of the Act.

The bill calls for the SEC to amend the Code of Federal Regulations to safeguard corporate discretion in proxy review. It would cap the annual number of shareholder resolutions that a company would be required to include on its proxy ballot. Duplicate or highly similar proposals would be consolidated into one.

Additionally, the bill requires that every resolution accepted to the proxy ballot bear some material relationship to the company’s financial performance. It would also restore corporate responsibility over selecting resolutions for consideration.

Interesting take, I don’t often think about the G in ESG. ESG, Big Labor and Starbucks Installing union-centric directors to the company’s board will mean higher prices and worse service.-WSJ

The latest comes courtesy of the Strategic Organizing Center, a coalition of unions using a $16,000 investment in Starbucks to push three labor nominees onto the company’s 11-member board. All three candidates—former members of the Clinton and Obama administrations—are liberal stalwarts. One, Wilma Liebman, as chairman of the National Labor Relations Board in 2011 pushed for labor intrusion into boardrooms with control on management decisions such as company relocations. The coalition hopes that by placing activists on the board, it will pressure management into boosting union membership for employees who don’t seem to want a union card. Employees have reportedly voted in favor of unionization at only some 400 of the more than 9,000 stores in the U.S.

GREG GUTFELD: For every DEI that dies, a new one comes to life just under a different name Gutfeld says the left hates meritocracy even if it works-Fox News

Federal appeals court blocks Florida’s ‘Stop WOKE Act’ rules for businesses-The Hill

The law prevents Florida educators and businesses from requiring individuals to participate in activities that promote “discriminatory concepts” constituting unlawful discrimination, including that members of one race or sex are “morally superior” to those of another and that a person, by virtue of their race, sex or national origin, “should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment to achieve diversity, equity or inclusion.”

Nolte: Audience Rejection of Woke Hollywood Drops AMC Theater Stock 8%-Breitbart

That’s kind of ironic. Woke New York Times accused of racism by its own union-Post Millennial

They betrayed democracy by protecting it?


I really wanted to comment about the whole inept at reading comprehension thing but…

But maybe he has hope, @JackPosobiec BREAKING: Democrats announce they are now working on federal legislation to remove Trump from the ballots In the name of Our Democracy...

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