The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
April 11, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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Yesterday we filed for the Tuttle Capital Management Shareholder’s First Index ETF (ESGX). Hope to have this out July/August

Ladies & Gentlemen, your new Fed Chair….

Biden unveils student debt forgiveness ...

Biden says inflation report ‘may delay’ expected interest rate cut-The Hill

The Fed has been as wrong about current policy being restrictive as they were about inflation being transitory. One has to wonder whether this being an election year whether Biden has any influence.

Still short……

Watch for a break of the 200 day.

DEI Must be Destroyed-National Review

In today’s Martin Center article, Daniel Buck argues that the moves thus far against DEI are encouraging and that we need to accelerate the counterattack.

Pentagon Won’t Respond To New Research Casting Doubt On Studies Supporting Military’s DEI Push-Daily Caller

And he knows this how? UN climate chief presses for faster action, says humans have 2 years left 'to save the world'-CTV News

Let’s Not Pretend The Woke Newsroom Breakdown Was Only At NPR-Daily Caller

New State Department diversity chief believes US is a ‘failed historical model’ with a ‘colonizing past’-Fox News

"Because we live and work within systems… so deeply rooted in patriarchy and colonialism and racism and otherism, we tend to be very resistant to shifts and changes. It's very uncomfortable for many colleagues… A culture of misogyny has allowed men to act without consequence and it becomes part of what we believe is normal, right? In order to make any change, we've literally got to be about the work of dismantling that traditional structure at every juncture." 

One of our readers pointed out some changes in Google’s ad policy toward health care and finance.

Health in personalized advertising

Consumer finance in personalized ads

Companies like Google have tremendous power. I advertise my ETFs here as I think you have to. If someone is searching for something they want they are going to use Google. If they can’t find you then you are toast.

Is that the new definition of racism? @EndWokeness Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she is a victim of racist attacks: "They don't say racist things, but they do say that they don't like something I said."

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TCM is not a commodity trading advisor and content provided regarding commodity interests is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation. Investment recommendations for any securities or product may be made only after a comprehensive suitability review of the investor’s financial situation. 

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