The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
February 23, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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This was the story of the day by far. Apparently they couldn’t get Google’s AI to show pictures of white people no matter how hard they tried. It even portrayed Nazis as diverse and showed a black SS officer. This is important as I foresee a time when we get our information from AI, just like we get it now from search engines. Google’s AI Caught Red-Handed With Woke Agenda-Daily Wire

This is why it happened. ‘White Privilege Is F*cking Real:’ Google AI Lead’s Social Media Posts Expose Woke Bigotry-Breitbart

Google AI product lead Jack Krawczyk has expressed anti-white sentiments, which have resurfaced after Google’s Gemini AI chatbot generated politically correct but historically inaccurate images in response to user prompts.

And then there is this person. Founder Of Google’s ‘AI Responsibility’ Initiative Discussed Treating Minority Employees Differently, Has Pushed ‘Anti-Racism,’ Matt Walsh Reveals-Daily Wire

The founder of Google’s “AI Responsibility” initiative once suggested that she treats “Black, Hispanic, and Latinx” employees differently than white employees and has pushed “anti-racism” as a vital part of artificial intelligence, Daily Wire host Matt Walsh revealed on Thursday.

Green funds were in the red in 2023-InvestmentNews

Equity funds, particularly those with a focus on clean energy, were hit hardest last year, said Alyssa Stankiewicz, associate director of sustainability research at Morningstar Manager Research.

Because reverse discrimination doesn’t make any sense. Companies have invested billions in DEI. Why isn’t it helping Black workers?-MarketWatch

Conservatives Are Taking Scalps, But The DEI Threat Isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon-Daily Caller

At its core, DEI is a war on our natural equality that the Constitution serves to protect, and which is rooted in the inherent worth of the individual. DEI rejects this, subordinating man’s inherent worth on the altar of utopianism: to build heaven on earth, and a new, radical, and supposedly true equality. That is the equality of outcome regardless of work, talent, or ability. So “equity” becomes the true goal, while “diversity” and “inclusion” are merely means to this end.

Wonder how Google AI would define a woman? A Catholic College Defines ‘Woman’ St. Mary’s in Indiana backtracks from a decision to admit transgender males.-WSJ

NY City Council Calls for Investigation into Mayor Eric Adams’ Plan to Hand Illegals $10K Pre-Paid Debit Cards-Breitbart

The mayor estimated the pre-paid cards would cost the city $53 million, and would allow migrants to spend $35 per day, or $1,000 a month, to buy food to prepare for themselves, instead of being handed pre-made meals supplied by the city.

One part of the program that has raised eyebrows, though, is the no-bid contract that Adams doled out to launch the program.

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