The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
April 24, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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We recently filed for ESGX, which is the Shareholder’s First Index. The idea is that companies that focus solely on making money should do better than those that don’t. This stand for companies that are left learning and companies that are right leaning. As much as I love what Elon is doing, and think he may have saved the free world by buying Twitter, he is probably not doing TSLA any favors. I am currently long TSLA (options on TSLT) because my trend following and counter trend following models are both long. I don’t have time to do much discretionary trading anymore, but if I was and TSLA stays in that $160 area I would probably prefer to short it here. Tesla Learns Hard Lesson: Go Anti-Woke, Go Broke When CEO Elon Musk took a hard turn to the right, the number of Democrats buying Teslas dropped 60 percent-Jalopnik

Lot of resistance around $160

I have one left in college, if I heard they were going virtual I’d want my money back.

I would agree with this, off the rack ESG solutions are stupid. I am an ETF guy and ETFs are a great product, but not everyone has the same values. This is why I think there is a powerful future for direct indexing. Investors want ‘more personalization’ when it comes to ESG-InvestmentNews

confused young man scratching his head ...

Migrant Child Rapist Won't Be Deported Because It Would 'Harm His Mental Health'-ZeroHedge

Yep. The Next GOP President Should Defund Woke Public Broadcasting-The Heritage Foundation

Anything that takes the focus off merit is an attack on democracy. Stacey Abrams: Attacks On DEI Are Attacks On ‘Democracy,’ ‘Education,’ And ‘Our Economy’-Daily Wire

In a different world this would be a Babylon Bee headline. Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister Slams Biden For Suggesting ‘Cannibals’ Ate His Uncle There In WWII-Daily Wire

No way we could have Monty Python today. ‘Totalitarian’: ‘Monty Python’ Star John Cleese Blasts Cancel Culture-Daily Wire

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