The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
November 9, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

The Republican presidential debate was last night as Republicans continue to lick their wounds from Tuesday. The talk now is whether abortion is a losing issue and whether MAGA candidates can win. I didn’t watch the debate, but it seems like nothing changed as far as Haley and DeSantis running for second place

ESG Veteran Says Stay Away From ETFs as Purge Drags On-Bloomberg

According to James Penny, the chief investment officer of TAM Asset Management and a veteran of ESG investing, the dramatic selloff that’s torn through green stocks may soon morph into a “slow burn” that could last several more years.

The rise and fall of ESG investing-The Hill

As the conversation moves forward on rulemaking, regulation and what the law should be, the fiduciary responsibility that money managers have to their clients to produce the greatest possible return on investment must remain the paramount consideration.

France Restricts ESG Fund Labels to Target Fossil-Fuel Industry-Bloomberg

France will only let funds use the national ESG label if they blacklist fossil-fuel companies that are expanding production.

How? Kind of sounds like World Economic Forum talking points. Top Climate Aide Suggests Biden Admin ‘Absolutely’ Needs To Find More Ways To Reduce Americans’ Reliance On Cars-Daily Caller

This sounds like it is going to be a problem. U.S. Sees Limits for Israel’s Place in Gaza Future After Netanyahu outlines continued security role, Blinken warns against occupation, blockade-WSJ

Do you have cease fire’s in permanent wars? Hamas Leaders to NY Times: No Interest in Helping Palestinians in Gaza, Want ‘Permanent’ War Against Israel-Breitbart

Tuesday night put abortion at center stage in elections. If I was running anywhere are a Republican, not sure that’s the issue I would go for with all the other stuff going on.

Which makes you wonder why the border was hardly talked about. NBC Moderators Do Not Ask Single Question on Southern Border Until 90 Minutes into GOP Debate-Breitbart

Are Republicans Tired of All the Losing? Another lousy Election Day shows the GOP has a brand problem.-WSJ

Democrats are buoyant about their Tuesday night election showing, and why not? They handed Republicans another drubbing with their twin issue set of abortion rights and fear and loathing of the MAGAGOP. Republicans have a brand perception problem.

On Debate Stage and Campaign Trail, Republicans Still Don’t Know How to Talk About Abortion Tuesday’s resounding abortion-rights victories left GOP candidates grasping for a position they could sell to voters-WSJ

Democrats Grow More Confident in Campaign Message, but More Nervous About Biden Some in party worry the president will drag them down in 2024, even as Tuesday’s elections show abortion issues can motivate voters Democrats need to win-WSJ

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Schmitt Introduces Bill To Abolish DEI Offices In Dozens Of Federal Government Agencies-Daily Caller

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