The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
July 26, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

We are going to start doing a live podcast with Jeremy Vreeland at Bullish/Bears every Thursday at 11:30AM EST. We will be talking markets and stocks. Feel free to shoot over questions or names you want us to cover. Will have details on how to access the stream next week.

Abbreviated note today as I have to leave shortly to play golf (tough life).


I would be careful betting against “clean” energy. I think AI will be such an energy hog we will need everything. Trump shadow looms over these energy funds-AFR

“A Trump-led Republican administration would almost certainly review the existing energy transition and climate policy frameworks and probably reverse at least some of them,” said ANZ commodity strategist Daniel Hynes.

“Incentives for people to buy electric vehicles would certainly be on the chopping block.”


Strange day yesterday to say the least. Started off bad as the Nikkei sold off and the Yen rallied vs. the Dollar. Then we got strong GDP and things settled down. Then we got a selloff at the open, a major turnaround rally, and then a selloff. The futures are up big this morning, go figure. I still think you buy dips in this market ahead of a Fed easing cycle.

This is the wildcard. BofA Says Cooling Economy Will Crack Big Tech Rally Even More-Bloomberg

The rally in the biggest US technology stocks is at risk of fading further if the US economy continues to cool, according to Bank of America Corp.’s Michael Hartnett.

However, I have learned in the past that you don’t fight the Fed.

Everything Else

Sounds like someone wants to keep his job. FBI director casts doubt on whether Trump was struck by bullet during assassination attempt at rally-Daily Mail




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