The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
February 1, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

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Democrats risk a new progressive rebellion as Biden embraces border deal-Politico

That’s partly because Senate negotiators have ruled out serious immigration concessions to the left, such as permanent status for Dreamers, a decision that effectively shifts the negotiations toward the GOP.

He Taught AP History. Now He Targets Teachers for Being Too Woke. Oklahoma state schools chief goes after educators he says are bringing politics into the classroom. Some teachers say his rhetoric is endangering them.-WSJ

Since taking office last year, Oklahoma’s elected schools superintendent has labeled teachers unions as terrorist organizations and said that radical leftists have turned schools into an “Epstein island” of sexual predators, as he has waged a verbal war against what he sees as a dangerous “woke ideology” infecting public education.

DEI Should Be M.I.A. in the U.S. Military | Opinion-Newsweek

As with other institutions, DEI—Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—is a volatile point of contention in the military. In fact, prominent figures in and around the military insist that DEI threatens national security. The issue is bigger than unequal admissions and recruitment. DEI writ large is eroding the integrity of the U.S. Armed Forces from the inside out.

DAVID BLACKMON: ExxonMobil Just Set The Climate Alarm Lobby On Fire Again-Daily Caller

Here is what ExxonMobil said about it in an email to CNBC:  “The breakdown of the shareholder proposal process, one that allows proponents to advance their agendas through a flood of proposals, does not serve the interests of investors. We are simply asking the court to apply the SEC’s proxy rules as written to stop this abuse and eliminate the significant resources required to address them.”

Reuters quotes one of the SEC’s own commissioners, Mark Uyeda, as saying, “Companies could always go to court on shareholder proposals, but historically viewed the SEC as a fair arbiter. This perception may have changed due to recent policy changes.” Oh. You don’t say.

What a stupid waste of time. Fix your own mess. Chicago Votes for Hamas Mayor Brandon Johnson supports a cease-fire . . . in Gaza, not Chicago.-WSJ

The Chicago City Council on Wednesday passed a resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson cast the tie-breaking vote. Skeptics wonder when the mayor will support a cease-fire on the West Side.

Explain to me how us sending them Billions changes this math without US troops on the ground? Ukraine Tells Allies Troops Are Outgunned Three-to-One by Russia-Bloomberg

5 transgender athletes dominate women's college volleyball game, 2 of the males accused of injuring female players-The Blaze

The only reason that really makes sense of having open borders. Soros-Funded Group Seeks to ‘Turn Texas Blue’ with Mass Immigration-Breitbart

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