The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
February 15, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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Pretty eventful few days to be away. We saw the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot by losing Santo’s seat. We had a cryptic warning about some threat that turns out to probably be a nothing burger, at least I hope it’s just a way to keep the Ukraine spigot open. Report Reveals ‘Serious’ Russian Military Threat That Has Leaders Scrambling-Daily Wire. We saw a shooting at the Chiefs rally that will spur calls for gun control, but no calls to try to fix the underlying issues and figure out why we are becoming less and less safe here. Finally we saw Mayorkas get impeached, but without cutting off the head of the snake it is just symbolic.

I have been going to ETF conference for years and typically these are ESG lovefests. This year not a lot of talk about ESG, some of that is Bitcoin stealing the thunder, but still good to see.

The reason they want open borders is not economic growth. Don’t fall for this crap. And, yeah there’s a catch. Immigration Wave Delivers Economic Windfall. But There’s a Catch.-WSJ

Going to make it a bit harder to blame Russia if Trump wins. Putin Says Russia Prefers Biden Over Trump in U.S. Election-WSJ

It’s not just Putin that wants Biden to win. Border Congressman: Mexican Drug Cartels Dialing It Back Before Election To Help Biden-Daily Wire

DEI training suspended after telling firefighters that White staff have caused 'racial harm': Report-Fox News

Maybe teach the kids math and science now? Contract With Woke Kindergarten Terminated at East Bay School Following Controversy-Sfist

It didn’t work in CA, but maybe it will work in Pentagon run schools? EXCLUSIVE: Internal Documents Shed Light On Biden Administration’s Plan To Impose DEI On Pentagon-Run Schools-Daily Caller

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