The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
January 12, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Is ESG dead?-Money Marketing

People look to ESG investing to deliver positive change as well as investment returns. However, its record of doing this is mixed, at best

ESG Is Now Being Labeled As Corporate America's "Dirty Word"-Zero Hedge

"ESG" has gone from the buzzword that every investment advisor, company and government official had to be familiar with and append to every single piece of business they were involved with - to becoming "the latest dirty word in corporate America".

Gap in ESG voting support widens between Europe and US fund giants-Proactive Investors

Amid increasing political hostility, US asset managers are showing a notable decline in enthusiasm for ESG-related shareholder proposals, in contrast to their European counterparts, according to research from Morningstar on proxy voting trends.

That’s all I eat, no way I’m eating the bugs.  Ron DeSantis ‘couldn’t live’ without meat, says ESG would bring a ‘food crisis’-Florida Politics


I have spent a ton of money sending my kids to college.  All I want is for them to get a good education, be prepared for a job, get a job, and be safe in the process.  

Woke-Up Call: Universities Need A Brand Reboot-Forbes

in recent years, many top colleges have begun to lose their way by letting carefully calibrated DEI motions and messaging threaten to overtake communication of their primary mission — and that which their brands stand for — providing the best education available.

Jewish Students Sue Harvard For Failing To Stop Anti-Semitism While Threatening Discipline For Fatphobia-Daily Wire

‘America’s leading university, has become a bastion of rampant anti-Jewish hatred and harassment’

@EndWokeness: John Hopkins just sent out this hit list of people automatically guilty of "privilege" whether they know it or not

Males, Whites, Christians, Mid-aged people, Able-bodied people, Middle & owning class, English-speaking people.  This message was emailed directly to employees from the DEI Office

Former NYC top cop believes 'progressive woke' cities starting to tackle crime due to 'quality of life' issues 'The district attorneys in many of those cities are failing to really enforce the law,' said former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton-Fox News

Fired-up John Fetterman, in latest non-woke take, rips hypocrisy of South Africa going to int'l court over Israeli 'genocide'-The Blaze

Angry German Farmers Win a Street Fight Over Climate Radical environmentalists pioneered aggressive protest techniques, but they didn’t have tractors.-WSJ

The proximate cause of the unrest in Europe’s largest economy is net-zero climate policy. Berlin is in the grip of a budget crisis after the federal constitutional court in November ruled that politicians’ favorite gimmick for funding the country’s ruinously expensive energy transition violates Germany’s constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget. Which means Berlin will have to pay out in the open all the net-zero bills it had hoped to hide off the government’s balance sheet. Ouch.

I had one kid in high school during Covid when they went to remote learning.  It was a joke, they lost a year and it impacted him in college. What just happened in New York is an omen for what's coming-The Blaze

“What would you do as a parent? 'Wait, my kid has to move, my kid has to go someplace else because their school has been taken over by illegals?'” Glenn asks, adding, “No, I don’t think so.”

This pisses me off.  COVID ‘6-feet’ social distancing ‘sort of just appeared,’ likely lacked scientific basis, Fauci admits-NY Post

As does this.  Rand Paul Says Mitch McConnell Plans ‘Sellout’ on Border Security-Breitbart

The still-secret draft deal “is a sellout — it’s going to continue to allow illegal immigration ” because Democrats are threatening Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with an aid cut-off for Ukraine, Paul said before adding: It’s saying, “Oh, we’ll let 5,000 people come illegally a day, and then after that, we might try to stop the next 5,000 that day.” It’s completely a sellout. 

But it’s because people like Senator [Mitch] McConnell care more about Ukraine than anything else — more than the border, more than anything else… 

Wow, what a shock.  More Than $1 Billion Of Sensitive Military Equipment Given To Ukraine Is ‘Delinquent,’ Report Shows-Daily Wire

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