The Woke Street Journal
August 22, 2024
August 15, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

We are excited to announce that TSPY launches today. More information can be found HERE (The website should be up later this morning)


That explains it: Presented with rise in border crossings, Harris chose a long-term approach to the problem-AP


Biden-Harris administration using taxpayer money to mask Medicare premium hikes before election: critics-Fox News

In a move critics say is designed to shield the Biden-Harris administration from election fallout, the administration has leveraged taxpayer funds to mask upcoming increases in Medicare premiums.

Google says it was a “glitch”: Harris campaign's Google ads rewrite news headlines-Axios

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, Axios has found.

Biden’s still pissed: Biden harbors lingering frustration at Pelosi, Obama, Schumer-Politico

President Joe Biden is frustrated that Barack Obama wouldn’t tell him to his face that he should leave the race. He’s angry with Nancy Pelosi and views her as ruthless for ushering him out the door. And he’s still miffed at the role Chuck Schumer played, too.


CPI came in pretty much exactly where it needed to be for the bulls. 5 up days in a row for the market after the so called “Black Swan” event last week. SPY has now peaked back above the 50 day.

Everything we look at shows the market is overbought and we would love to see a pullback to buy into, but the market doesn’t seem to want to give it to us. Today we have retail sales, after that the next key event is Jackson Hole and then a whole lot of nothing market moving for a while.

S&P 500 Climbs With Traders Weighing Size of Rate Cut Walmart earnings and retail sales on Thursday will offer more clues on the economy-WSJ

Investors still aren’t sure how big that cut will be, and more data on inflation and the labor market are due before the next Fed meeting. Traders in interest-rate futures were placing a 65% chance of a quarter-point cut next month, up from 47% Tuesday, according to CME data. Bets for a bigger half-point cut fell.

Fed’s Powell to set table for September rate cut at Jackson Hole, but jobs data will set the size-MarketWatch

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will use his Jackson Hole speech next week to set the table for a September interest rate cut, while the actual size of the move will be determined by the August jobs data that comes a week later, economists said.

The so called rotation into smaller stocks seems to be pretty much dead as small caps were down yesterday and IWM looks like a short at the 50 day.

The Dow does look impressive though, and also overbought.

Magnificent 7 was mixed yesterday. TSLA took a hit and looks like it could go either way depending on how it handles the 200 day.

AMZN sitting in the same type of spot.

Would like to see NVDA break the 50 day.

Remember, 13Fs are just a snapshot in time. Druckenmiller, Soros, Tepper among investors selling Nvidia in second quarter as tech stocks slumped-MarketWatch They may have sold in the second quarter, but someone is buying now.

MSFT is my favorite chart.

Everything Else

Of course he did, what did they think they were paying him that much money for? Hunter Biden reportedly sought US government help for Ukrainian gas company Burisma-AP


Kick in the B%^$$s: he Taliban is holding a military parade with US equipment

Columbia University President Shafik Resigns-WSJ

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