The Woke Street Journal
September 10, 2024
September 9, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print


Meanwhile, companies that just serve their shareholders and keep politics out of profits avoid all this crap.....

Report: 80% of LGBTQ+ workers are ready to boycott companies that don’t support DEI-Fast Company

Investors Craft Counterattacks After Influencer’s Anti-DEI Blitz-Bloomberg Law

Activist investors are weighing how to push back on at least seven public companies that have cut diversity programs targeted by Starbuck, who initiated an online campaign earlier this summer seeking to prove DEI has no place in business operations.


Vanguard votes zero for 400 ESG proposals to solidify its new not-woke street cred - RIABiz

In an unprecedented sweep, the Malvern, Pa. manager rejected all 400 environmental, governance and sustainability (ESG) shareholder resolutions up for a vote this summer, according to its Aug. 29 US Investment Stewardship Report.
Vanguard voted against 40 anti-ESG shareholder proposals that sought to block environmental and diversity initiatives.

The way forward for ESG-FT

Now the profit motive and progressive idealism have started to diverge. Rapid decarbonisation is proving to be complicated, costly and in some places unpopular. Energy security concerns have sent the shares of fossil fuel companies shooting up, and consumer boycotts such as those of department store Target and the maker of Bud Light beer over their handling of LGBTQ+ issues have made clear that visible social stands can have financial costs.

Climate Change

A new kind of chaplain is helping people deal with 'climate grief'-NPR

But when plans for the pipeline were canceled, Ware, 78, found little pleasure in the victory. The retired elementary school teacher couldn’t shake the feeling that it may be too late to save a planet in deep peril — a prospect tinged with grief, anger and depression. Ware realized she had a case of "climate grief” — and needed help.


Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions-Breitbart

“It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way.
“I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”


They want you to eat the bugs......

Mealworm protein extraction shows anti-diabetic benefits-New Food


Expert: Data Indicate Violent Crime Is Not Declining, It Is Just Not Being Reported-Breitbart

Violent Crime Creating ‘Dystopian Hell’ Despite Biden’s Claim America Is Safer-Daily Caller

One liberal-run city is a “dystopian hell,” remarked a police union representative to the Caller. Additionally, changes in reporting protocols create the “illusion” of safety, according to one law enforcement officer.

Everything Else

Argentine President Javier Milei Blasts Socialist Leaders of Venezuela and Brazil at Madrid Forum-Breitbart

Doing something right.....


Brazil looks like a textbook short....


More fallout from Tucker Carlson's interview of Darryl Cooper