The Woke Street Journal
September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Pleased to announce two new ETF launches today.

The Tuttle Capital Shareholders First ETF (ESGX)

ESGX will invest your money in companies that focus on profits, not politics or trendy activisms of the moment. By tracking the AJN Shareholders First Index, the fund will seek to invest in business-focused, profit-oriented U.S. companies that prioritize their duties to shareholders and are best positioned to outperform in current economic and monetary conditions.

The Tuttle Capital Self Defense Index ETF (GUNZ)

Invest in a Safer America. GUNZ offers strategic exposure to U.S. companies who engage in, to any extent, the manufacture, service, supply, and distribution of personal and law enforcement defense equipment and protection services. By tracking the AJN Self Defense U.S. Equity Index, GUNZ aligns your investment with the strength and innovation of companies engaged in this type of business.

Let me know if you have questions on either one.


Three things to know about corporate DEI rollbacks-FT

The issue has become something of a third-rail, with many companies and analysts wary of partisan polarisation on the topic. Analysts at 11 financial institutions or sellside research groups declined to comment or did not respond to comment requests from Moral Money. Those who did comment did not see much impact on stock prices following the DEI rollbacks. “I know I saw a headline about it, but it didn’t seem to resonate,” Mike Shlisky, an equity research analyst on industrials, said of Deere & Co’s announcement.

One of the big problems of going down this road instead of focusing on profits and shareholders is you end up pissing everyone off....

Companies dropping DEI will face consequences — 80% of LGBTQ+ adults support boycotts: report


SEC’s Gensler Sees ESG Plans Thwarted as Biden’s Term Nears End-Bloomberg

Almost four years later, most of those major ESG regulations are unfinished, and they’ll likely remain so in the less than five months Gensler may have left as chair. A conservative-led backlash against ESG and federal agency authority has fueled challenges in and out of court to corporate greenhouse gas emissions reporting rules and other SEC actions, helping blunt the commission’s power.




What You Need To Know About The Ohio Town Overrun By Haitian Immigrants -Daily Wire

A resident named Anthony Harris said at the August 27 meeting that migrants are grabbing ducks from the park, killing, and eating them.

Maxine Waters thinks the backlash is only because they are black


Bounce back day yesterday, but nothing new to change the hard landing, Fed behind the curve narrative. CPI is tomorrow, not much talk about it but I think it could end up being important. The debate is tonight, seeing some talk that it is important to the market, I don't think it is.

I will be on the Schwab Network tomorrow at 9:45am to talk about the Magnificent 7.

Headlines like this play real well after the fact when they got things wrong.....

Are the Magnificent 7 stocks losing their luster?-MarketWatch

Bottom line, except for TSLA they all basically have monopolies, assuming GOOGL (more below) doesn't lose theirs. Big believer you at least have to be trading these names.

Interesting day there yesterday. GOOGL took a beating on anti trust concerns....


Chart looks pretty bad. AAPL initially sold off during it's iPhone launch event, but ended up close to even on the day.....


Interesting spot, bears could argue it's double toppy, bulls can see an undercut and rally potentially forming at the 50 day. All the other Mag 7 names are at interesting support areas, except NVDA. You could argue for support at 105 or at least 100 though.


This is big news, and I expect it to happen. This will expand the universe of trading strategies you can do with these names....

The Boom in Zero-Day Options Is Coming for Tesla and Nvidia-WSJ

ORCL is up big after earnings. It's not one of the names I trade in the AI space but I may need to rethink that. From Larry Ellison.....

When I talk about building gigawatt or multi-gigawatt data centers, I mean, these AI models, these frontier models, the entry price for a real frontier model from someone who wants to compete in that area is around $100 billion.” He later added “So we're in the middle of designing a data center that's north of a gigawatt that has, but we found the location and the power place, we've looked at it. They've already got a building permit for three nuclear reactors. These are the small modular nuclear reactors to power the data center. This is how crazy it's getting. This is what's going on.”

One of the biggest potential themes out there right now IMHO....

GE Vernova and 4 Other Stocks to Play the Surge in Electricity Demand-Barron's

“While it’s relatively known that the investment within the grid will be needed and that electricity demand is set to return to growth, the velocity and magnitude of the demand acceleration is seemingly underappreciated,” West said.

Not only is the FOMC next week, but the BOJ is meeting as well and could be just as significant. From Jefferies.....

In our view, the BoJ meeting next week would also be important for the markets. Recent comments from BoJ officials have been on the hawkish side. We are not in a hike camp for this month and believe that the next hike from the BoJ will be in January 2025. Yen funded carry trades, though reduced relative to end July levels, could be at risk if we get any surprises from the BoJ.

Big fan of trading the gold miners, not sure what impact this will have if any, so far this morning lots of red in my favorite names.....

AngloGold Ashanti to Buy Centamin for $2.5 Billion-WSJ

Bonds suck. The risk/reward is awful. I will go into great detail on how you use them if I ever finish writing my book, but to summarize you could buy T Bills for your risk free money and then trade options around them. You can also trade TLT long and short.

A Guide to Why You Should Buy Bonds (and Why You Shouldn’t)-WSJ