The Woke Street Journal
September 20, 2024
September 20, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Our ETFs

Pleased to announce that options will start trading today on MSTU and MSTZ

Going to be participating in the Market Minds Summit on 9/25 at 2:45PM EST. I still think I have some complimentary tickets left so hit me up if you want one.


Yesterdays Episode of The Watchlist

In the News

Truth Social reaches a tricky milestone. Will Donald Trump cash out his stake?-NPR

"The stock price of Truth Social is like his crowd size," said professional investor Matthew Tuttle, in a reference to Trump's ongoing fixation with the attendance at his rallies and other campaign events.
"He's not going to want to see the stock price go down. And if he sells, it is going to do down," says Tuttle, who runs the investment firm Tuttle Capital Management, and who used to trade the Trump Media stock personally.

Woke Companies

The Man Who Made Nike Uncool-Bloomberg

Instead of transforming the sneaker giant into a high-tech powerhouse, John Donahoe pissed off partners and disappointed fans.

Actually looks like it may fill the gap.



Civil rights groups call on major corporations to stick with DEI programs-AP

An open letter issued on Thursday by 19 organizations and directed at Fortune 1000 companies said companies that abandon DEI programs are shirking their fiduciary responsibility to employees, consumers and shareholders.

Funny, I would argue the exact opposite. Luckily there's an ETF for this.

Anti-'woke' activists waged war on DEI. Civil rights groups are fighting back.-USA Today

The letter marks the first time national organizations have come together to counter a social media pressure campaign that has led to an unprecedented rollback of DEI efforts at major U.S. companies.

Who’s afraid of Robby Starbuck? The conservative activist claims credit for DEI rollbacks but critics argue his influence is overestimated-Fortune

“I'm asking [companies] to adopt neutrality and to have a fair environment where people can exist without having social issues or politics shoved down their throat,” he also told Fortune. “If it was about asking them to adopt my politics, I think that would be really not good,” he added.

Massive Personal Care Retail Company Puts DEI ‘At The Heart Of Everything’ It Does-Daily Wire

Bath & Body Works, one of the most well-known retail companies in the U.S., has been lauded by the legacy media for its commitment to the DEI grift. As far back as April of 2022, Bath & Body Works has openly bragged about its commitment to DEI with an entire webpage dedicated to the leftist creed.

If it gets rejected at the 50 day again could be shortable there....



GOP 'woke week' advances package of anti-ESG bills-Investment News

This week’s bills, which seek to undo rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Labor and others, stand virtually no chance of passage in the Senate or of getting President Joe Biden’s signature. But like prior versions of legislation introduced in recent years, they indicate where Republicans are heading on climate disclosure and social issues, especially if former President Donald Trump is reelected in November.

ESG is Coming For Your Toilet Paper-Independent Women's Forum

Is your favorite toilet paper brand eco-friendly enough for the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) movement? A newly released scorecard from a radical environmental group is pressuring companies to be more sustainable.


Wednesday was buy the rumor and sell the news of a 50bp cut. Yesterday was the realization that the Fed put is back. Seeing some profit taking this morning and we have triple witching today, so ought to be volatile. Personally, have a ton of options that expire today that I need to do something with.

Traders brace for volatility as more than $5 trillion in options set to expire in latest ‘triple witching’-MarketWatch

It’s not the biggest quarterly expiration on record, but it’s still pretty large

Another reason to be bullish....

Market bull Tom Lee hesitant to jump into this post-Fed

Note last night from Jefferies on AI energy needs.....

The International Energy Association (IEA) believes AI/datacentres will be 2.6% of global power demand by 2026 from 1.7% in 2022.  
Electricity demand from data centres is, forecast to rise at around 16% CAGR, while also potentially boosting renewable deployment.

On the importance of ASML.....

Front-end leading edge equipment is therefore just as important in reducing power consumption
This is where the tools of semicap suppliers ASML and ASM International come into play.
On the one hand, ASML’s lithography machines are a key enabler of transitioning to smaller node sizes since they use a UV laser to draw the transistor’s blueprint onto a wafer.
The company has developed its tools over time to enable continuous node shrink – and therefore Moore’s Law – with their leading tool son sale today using EUV to facilitate 3nm transistor width.

They have a report entitled : Data Centers & AI: Powering the Future.

They mention a bunch of global names, most have been on a run. Copper is one area that they talk about as a need from data centers. Some of those names look a bit more interesting.


Looks interesting here, nice little double bottom.

The also mention AR as a name providing AI power generation.


AR would be more interesting if it can break above the 200 day.

If you would like a copy of the report send me a DM.

I continue to love the self defense theme........

The Most Surprising New Gun Owners Are U.S. Liberals-WSJ

But this summer, the liquor store clerk in Iowa City, Iowa, for the first time in his life bought a gun. Apprehension about street crime, armed right-wing extremists, and “whatever else the world could possibly throw at us,” drove his decision.

and the weight loss drugs. If this creates weakness I'd be a buyer.....

The Price War in Weight-Loss Drugs Is Here-WSJ

Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk NOVO.B -0.07%, the pharmaceutical heavyweights selling the popular injections, are each dangling discounts to gain an edge and to induce health plans to pay up. The concessions are slashing as much as half off the price tags of the $1,000-plus-a-month medicines.


Study Says Millions Of Non-Citizens Likely To Vote In 2024 Election-Daily Wire

A new study suggests that as many as 2.7 million non-citizens could vote in the 2024 election, leading some to voice concerns about coming election results potentially not reflecting the will of Americans citizens, who are the only ones permitted to vote in federal elections.