The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
December 28, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

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The idea isn’t to short these companies into oblivion.  You can buy and hold a stock forever, you can’t do the same on the short side.  What you can do is short the initial news and then move on to the next one.  Here’s How Much You Would’ve Made Investing in ‘Woke’ Companies This Year Conservatives seem to think they've financially ruined brands that went against their values — but across the board, it's business as usual-Rolling Stone

Former Anheuser-Busch president predicts long road to recovery for 'woke' corporations in 2024 Companies like Target, Disney and Anheuser-Busch lost big with shareholders in 2023-Fox Business


“In 2023, mainstream institutions leveraged everything from books to beer to promote their woke agendas,” said NTC president Gregory T. Angelo. “However, this year saw a tidal wave of consumers using their wallets and voices to push back against the woke mob, with staggering results. Americans looking for a New Year’s resolution should pledge to keep fighting back against the woke invasion of our country.”

“Doesn’t align with what their viewers want” being the key line for me.  You are a public company with shareholders who buy the stock to fund retirement, college, etc.  If viewers want woke content then fine, if not, then not fine.  Disney admits content 'risks' as company stock hits 9-year low-SK Pop

The revelation comes as part of a financial filing for the fiscal quarter ending in September, where Disney candidly admits that their recent content, driven by political and environmental goals, doesn't align with what their viewers want, risking a substantial impact on their bottom line.

Who elected these business leaders to fill the gap in politics? How America's Most Responsible Companies Are Rethinking 'Going Green'-Newsweek

"It's very hard in today's current kind of 'gotcha' mindset," New York University Stern School of Business associate professor Alison Taylor told Newsweek. She said companies are caught between a "bad faith" backlash against ESG on the one hand and a desire to have corporations "fill the gap left in politics" on the other. It could almost be enough to make a business leader abandon the whole idea.

Boycotting the Woke Worked, PublicSq Shows Us What We Do Next-Breitbart

Digital marketplace platform PublicSquare (PublicSq) CEO Michael Seifert told Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow that boycotting the woke “is important, but it’s incomplete” unless consumers “shift their spending somewhere else.”

Still pissed about what they did to Doctor Who. BEEB ROW BBC accused of feeding viewers ‘a steady diet of woke bias’ — as it fails its own renewed impartiality plan-The Sun

‘A Hill I Will Die On’: Sage Steele Says ESPN Told Her Not To Talk About Lia Thomas. She Disobeyed.-Daily Wire

Steele noted that ESPN allowed other public figures at the company to speak about other issues, seemingly political issues, that had nothing to do with sports, while she was asked to stop speaking.

Surgeon says 'toxic' DEI in medicine has led to 'erosion' of quality care: 'Dangerous to our patients' Dr. Richard Bosshardt railed against the American College of Surgeons for releasing a DEI toolkit for providers-Fox News

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