The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
November 24, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Europeans appear to be fighting back against open borders, to the “shock” of the mainstream media.

I love “Shock” in the headline, like how could people not vote for open borders? Shock election outcome in Netherlands as far-right, anti-Islam party heads for victory-MarketWatch

Wilders’ election program includes calls for a referendum on the Netherlands leaving the European Union, a total halt to accepting asylum-seekers and migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders.

Real interesting that the article from the AP does not even say why these people are rioting. Violent clashes in Dublin after knife attack that injured three children-MarketWatch

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Can Europe Become Western Again?-Daily Caller

In the U.S. people are being urged to invite border crossers for Thanksgiving. Open Borders Lobby: Americans Should ‘Open Up Their Homes’ to Illegal Aliens This Thanksgiving-Breitbart

Migrants Get Free Turkeys for Thanksgiving Ahead of Low-Income New Yorkers-Breitbart

If the WEF likes it then it must be good. Is this a new dawn that will transform the impact of ESG?-World Economic Forum

Since there is no real definition of what ESG actually is this makes sense. They can have oil stocks so why not defense stocks. Asset Managers Quietly Add ‘ESG’ to Portfolios of Defense Stocks Defense holdings rise in an ESG fund class worth $5 trillion, and NATO's boss says there’s nothing unethical about such investments-Bloomberg

Dirtiest Fuel Group Adds ‘Sustainable’ to Name in Rebranding Bid World Coal Association looks to reverse sentiment toward coal Coal industry makes a comeback as energy demand soars-Bloomberg

As the world moves toward greener energy sources, an industry group for the dirtiest fossil fuel is trying to clean up its image — by adding “sustainable” to its name.

The World Coal Association has rebranded itself as “FutureCoal: The Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal,” Chief Executive Officer Michelle Manook said at a press conference in Delhi.

Green finance: banks’ climate pledges undermined by woolly definitions-Financial Times

After years of criticism from environmental groups, more banks are setting green or sustainable lending targets. But definitions of what projects or companies can qualify are often stretchy. That could easily turn the initiatives into case studies in greenwashing.

Germany Faces the Green Fiscal Truth The constitutional court rules Berlin will have to fund net zero honestly.-Wall Street Journal

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration had planned to devote €60 billion in emergency borrowing approved (but not spent) during the pandemic to subsidize green projects such as battery production and decarbonized steel. The point was to conceal the true cost of these plans by averting new legislative votes. The judges saw through this when they ruled that emergency authorization to borrow in the past can’t be re-purposed for entirely different projects in the future.

Maybe there’s still hope. Will the New Woke Order Face a Youth Rebellion?-National Review

An interesting recent survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek showed that 72 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds actually support the slogan, “Go woke, go broke.”

Wait, you thought they wanted a pause for humanitarian reasons? Biden Adviser Says Hamas Could Use ‘Pause’ In Fighting To ‘Regroup’-Daily Caller

That’s not intrusive at all. Biden Safety Agency Pushes Tech That Could Remotely Control The Speed Of Your Car-Daily Caller

Keep an eye on this. WHO asks China for more information about rise in illnesses and pneumonia clusters-Breitbart

‘Mediocre Male Athletes’: Tennis Champ Blasts Men Taking Over Women’s Sports-Daily Caller

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