The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
May 20, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print


This week ought to be all about NVDA, which reports earnings on the 22nd after the close. At the moment the stock looks like more of a short than a long as it keeps trying to get up to 1000 and keeps failing. This week if was failing at 950.

A bunch of the other semi’s look similar. Of course this means nothing if they announce a blowout, but if they don’t then look out.

Meanwhile, two days of nothing on SPX after the inflation numbers. Makes sense as you figure there needs to be another catalyst for a large move either way.

Lot of economic numbers this week, including Fed minutes on Wednesday.

10yr rates hit their 200 day moving average and bounced. I flipped long on TLT at the close on Friday.

On the surface, rising rates and falling semi’s is a bearish signal to me. However, NVDA earnings could change that in a heartbeat.

Woke Companies

Planet Fitness’s New Chief Steps Into a Culture-War Storm-WSJ

Planet Fitness has been in turmoil since September, when it ousted its longtime CEO, Chris Rondeau. The company’s troubles took a turn on March 11, when a woman at a Planet Fitness in Alaska took a photo of a transgender club member shaving facial hair in the women’s locker room—and posted it on social media. 

That $68 area looks like resistance. If it breaks the 200 and then the 50 looks like $58 is on the table.

Meanwhile, I continue to trade Argentine names. Argentina President Javier Milei Causes Leftist Meltdown In Europe While Ripping ‘Satanic’ Socialism-Daily Wire

Took profits on DESP last week….

Some other names dipped last week, I love buying dips in uptrends.


Woke Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Loses Another 400K Viewers: Worst Ratings Of All Time-Comic Book News

woke doctor who loses 400k viewers 1


White House grilled on flow of taxpayer dollars to government DEI programs-Fox News

"As Congress begins work on fiscal year 2025 appropriations bills, it is important that we know whether the administration is spending the American people’s hard-earned taxpayer dollars on divisive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs," Burlison wrote.

Things That Get Blamed For Climate Change





Former CDC Director Calls For Acknowledgment Of ‘Significant Side Effects’ From COVID Vaccine-Daily Caller

“We have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine. I have a number of people that are quite ill & they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine. And we just have to acknowledge that,” he continued.


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