The Woke Street Journal
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November 2, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

November 2, 2023

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I continue to wonder whether the Biden administration will have to back away from support for Israel. Not only does he have to worry about Trump but Bobby is gaining. Speaking of Bobby, his newsletter this morning advocates big time for a ceasefire. Not sure how you have peace and a ceasefire with people who want to kill you at all costs, but hopefully I am wrong.

Shareholders are supposed to be the primary beneficiaries. Critics of ESG Investing should take a closer look at the concept-Mint.

A recurring theme in criticisms of ESG is the perspective that shareholders must always be the primary beneficiaries. While shareholder value is undoubtedly a vital aspect of business, it’s not the only one. To create truly effective ESG frameworks, we must transcend this singular view and acknowledge the broader spectrum of stakeholders whose interests must be considered.

Blacklisted 'woke' firms like BlackRock and State Street still have a lock on AUM in oil states like Oklahoma; anti-ESG politicians underestimated the fierce independence of state money managers and Republican lawmakers who back them-RIABiz

Oklahoma public pension fund revolts against state Treasurer and refuses to divest ESG funds in protest against mixing politics with fiduciary duties -- roughly a repeat of the ESG revolt in reverse

Let’s be honest, Larry Fink is right and we should give up on broken ESG investing-City A.M.

It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that ESG has over-promised and under-delivered.

Is he advocating for a cease fire? Seems like such a nice fellow

How Hamas Defines Cease-Fire A terrorist leader says: Oct. 7 today, Oct. 7 tomorrow, Oct. 7 forever.-WSJ

Hamas has two messages for two different audiences. To the international community, it pleads for a cease-fire on humanitarian grounds. To the Arab world, it pledges to repeat its Oct. 7 attacks and sacrifice as many Palestinians as it takes to destroy Israel.

I continue to wonder if Biden is going to need to cave. White House Announces Anti-Islamophobia Strategy Amid Large Spike In Antisemitism-Daily Caller

‘No-Go Zone For Jews’ — Hundreds of Anti-Israel Activists Occupy London’s Liverpool Street Station-Breitbart

With all the stuff going on it’s vitally important to make sure bird names are not racist. National Association Will Rename Birds With ‘Exclusionary And Harmful’ Names-Daily Caller

Because it’s hard to have an open border with a wall. EXCLUSIVE: GOP Texas Reps Demand Biden Admin Explain Reason For Only Restarting Border Wall Construction In Small Area-Daily Caller

This could get interesting. New Poll Shows RFK Jr. Winning Huge Chunk Of Voters Against Trump, Biden-Daily Caller

As could this. What to Know About the GOP Probe Into Payments Between Joe Biden and His Brother-WSJ

Makes sense, god forbid they figure it out. Exclusive — ‘We Caught Them Red-Handed’: DOJ Spied on GOP Staffers Probing the Origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax-Breitbart

Go Woke Go Broke. Nolte: Woke Marvel Turned ‘Blade’ Into Women’s Film ‘Filled with Life Lessons-Breitbart

How broken is Disney/Marvel that double Oscar-winner Ali was signed on as Blade and the screenwriting process was still avowed to get so out of control, so enamored with identity politics, that a comic book movie about a vampire turned into “a narrative led by women and filled with life lessons” and Blade “relegated to the fourth lead”?

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