The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
June 3, 2024

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Fallout from the Trump verdict continued on Friday. DJT, which initially was down over 12% when the verdict was announced, ended up down a little over 5%. I do think this is a dip buying opportunity but it needs to go down a bit more for my models to buy it personally. Talked to Newsweek about how much Trump lost in the slide. Donald Trump Loses $314 Million as Truth Social Stock Plunges-Newsweek

I do think this is a net positive for him and the stock, just not the country. Trump Raises Staggering Sum Of Cash In 24 Hours Since Verdict-Daily Wire

“In the 24 hours since Crooked Joe Biden and his New York henchmen got their sham trial verdict, the Trump Campaign has raised $52.8 million through the online digital fundraising platform,” the campaign said in a statement. “THAT’S MORE THAN $2 MILLION PER HOUR!”

Elon Musk Slams Politically-Motivated Trump Trial: ‘Great Damage Was Done’ To America-Daily Wire

Saying the quiet part out loud. Son of Leftist Billionaire George Soros: ‘Democrats Should Refer to Trump as a Convicted Felon at Every Opportunity’-Breitbart

Not sure what’s going on here…..


Wow. Interesting end of the day. A 10 minute chart of SPY puts it in perspective…

Basically saw SPY move around 1% in the last 20 minutes. Oppenheimer saying they saw $21.7 BN going into S&P E mini futures in the last 11 minutes. Whenever you see a move like this, especially on Friday when you have a lot of options expiring, you wonder whether it is technical or whether that was real demand from bulls. Also last day of the month you can have people repositioning. So far this morning looks like it’s sticking but watch out for a green to red move.

Rates continued to drop, which is bullish for stocks. Non farm payrolls on Friday are going to be the key macro event.

Semi’s were weak, but way off the lows and SMH pulled an undercut and rally at the 10 day and could be buyable here.

NVDA up big this morning, I think on this. Nvidia Unveils Next-Generation Rubin AI Platform for 2026-Bloomberg

The Dow had a huge rally, but a lot of that was probably a snap back in CRM. Certainly saw a rotation out of growth names into value, as of now I would assume that creates a dip buying opportunity in growth and not the start of something.

Hopefully I’m right because I bought the dips in AVGO, MU, DELL, TSM, MSFT, GOOGL, PANW, SAP, CRWD, and NVDA. Today I am looking to add to AMZN and to buy CRM.

Blackout week for the Fed and a busy week for other central banks….

Over the weekend Roaring Kitty tweeted about a GME trade, so this is happening again…

Woke Companies

Need to decide for yourself, not sure why religion matters. You should short them though. Should Christians boycott “woke” companies?-Denison Forum

Watch: Tim McGraw Teams with Planet Fitness After Company’s Value Drops Following Trans Restroom Backlash-Breitbart

Move above the 200 day invalidates the short for now, but a move back below would be another short sale trigger.

Anti-Woke Consumers Make Their Message Loud And Clear As Jeremy’s Razors Revenue Skyrockets-Daily Wire

Just one year after Jeremy’s Razors burst onto the market, it hit nearly $20 million in revenue and doubled its earnings from the previous year. Axios reported earlier this week that The Daily Wire “made more than $22 million from commerce in 2023, representing roughly 10% of its revenue for the year.”


The anti-ESG movement claims a major victory-Yahoo Finance

The NZIA’s dissolution is a major victory for the anti-ESG movement. The NZIA was backed by the UN. It was organised under the umbrella of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, a group chaired by former Bank of England governor Mark Carney. Other groups under the GFANZ umbrella include the Net Zero Banking Alliance and Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. It was as credible as any voluntary industry body could be. Few are rushing to join its successor, the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero.

Not sure what’s worse, them gluing themselves to the road or trying to erode the value of a public company. ExxonMobil's investor battle points toward the next front in ESG wars-Axios

Our investors sent a powerful message that rules and value-creation matter," ExxonMobil said in a statement.


Anti-Israel Protesters Block LGBTQ Pride Parade in Philadelphia-Breitbart

The protest highlights a growing tension between segments of the Democrat Party base who believe that anti-Israel protests should take precedent over other causes like LGBTQ activism.

The W-Word-National Review

Ironically, another taboo is apparent in the menstrual-health activism: the word “woman.” The bureau writes that “menstruation is a natural part of half our population’s life” yet entirely avoids using the words for describing that relevant half of the population. The statement — released by the Women’s Bureau — does not use the words “women,” “girls,” or “females” at all. Instead, the bureau attempts gender-neutrality by referencing “menstruators” and “menstruating employees.”

Things That Get Blamed for Climate Change

DAVID BLACKMON: Biden’s Mad War On Natural Gas Will Not End Well For Americans-Daily Caller

Even as the Biden administration’s regulatory agencies are moving to render the building of new natural gas power plants too costly to justify, a consensus has formed in the analyst community that the added power demands from AI will require a big expansion of natural gas generation to ensure grid stability.

Keep an eye on coal, AI has massive power needs and even coal is now being brought into the mix. It has to be the most vilified fossil fuel so will be interesting to see how this goes. In the meantime I am trading the coal names.


Still sounds like they want a war with Russia. Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership'-ZeroHedge

"At the summit we'll be taking concrete steps to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, and ensure that there's a bridge to membership - a bridge that's strong and well lit," he said in an address.


This was a great debate hosted by PBD. I respect that Chris was willing to do it and is having all sides come on his show. I also agree with his analysis that the two party system has to go. He got smoked here though. ‘You Did It!’: Dave Smith Rips Chris Cuomo Over Previous Remarks On Ivermectin-Daily Caller

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids-Daily Mail


Everything Else

Guess I just have to take the shots for life then….


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