The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
December 18, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Jordan subpoenas major investment firms for evidence on ESG collusion House Judiciary Committee says it believes BlackRock used its position in the market to force other companies to adopt ESG goals.-Just The News

Rebranded. Too much money involved for them to kill it. Is ESG Dead, or Just Getting Rebranded?-European Conservative

To be fair, so would anyone’s gains this year. However, you cannot use this to try to say ESG outperforms. ESG gains would be few without the Magnificent Seven-FT

There has always been a sense that sustainable funds made excuses for investing in tech because they needed the returns.

I like it when it flags misspellings and grammar issues as I can’t spell and my grammar is awful, but this is a bit too much. Thank god I don’t write this newsletter in Word. Elon Musk mocks Microsoft Word’s woke ‘inclusivity checker’ flagging ‘insane’ as biased-NY Post

The phrase was highlighted by Word’s software — which flags terms and phrases that are deemed politically incorrect and then recommends alternate phrasing — warning that “insane” is a word that “implies mental health bias.”

Wokesters Without Giant Endowments Even liberals are getting tired of funding radical politics.-WSJ

For years this column has been trying without success to find an example of a great civilization built by progressive leftists. One hates to sound like a pessimist but the project now seems doomed to failure.

Tell me something I don’t already know. Ex-NYT Editor Forced Out Over Cotton Op-Ed Writes Damning Tell-All About Exit-Daily Wire

“The Times’s problem has metastasised from liberal bias to illiberal bias, from an inclination to favour one side of the national debate to an impulse to shut debate down altogether,” Bennet wrote.

I find it interesting what Argentine and Dutch voters have done in the face of the elites calling these guys right wing extremists. I think this ties in with Brexit, the election of Trump, and the rise of Bernie and RFK Jr. Going to be interesting. At least the WSJ calls Geert a “Populist”. A Populist on the Verge of Power Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders attributes his party’s victory to anger over illegal immigration and shock at post-Oct. 7 displays of antisemitism.-WSJ

“You can call my party what you want, but to call it ‘extreme’ is an insult to the voters,” he says.

Female High School Athletes Notch Big Legal Win Over Biological Men Competing In Their Sport-Daily Caller

“Starting in 2017, two male athletes began competing in Connecticut girls’ high school track. In just three years, those two males broke 17 girls’ track meet records, deprived girls of more than 85 opportunities to advance to the next level of competition and took 15 women’s state track championship titles,” a press release from Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing the athletes in the lawsuit, reads.

I’’m going to be 55 in a couple of days, sorry but that’s creepy. 50-Year-Old Transgender ‘Woman’ Allowed to Compete in Teen Girls Swimming Competition, Use Girls’ Changing Room-Breitbart

But this month, parents are speaking out. One parent told the media that the girls were “terrified” when this 50-year-old man strolled into the locker room and began undressing in front of them.

I guess that’s one way to solve the issue of hate speech on campus. Jewish Alumni Group: Harvard Aims to Reduce Jews to 1-2% of Student Population-Breitbart

Interesting study, where do you think the kids get these ideas? In the new Harvard/Harris poll, 67% of respondents aged 18-24 agree that "Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors."-X

Maybe this makes sense then. Harvard excluded Jews in identity-based graduations in now-deleted webpage amid school's anti-Semitism scandal-The Blaze

Big Pharma, I mean Ivy League doctors. Ivy League Doctors: Obesity Is the ‘New Normal’-Daily Wire

Ivy League doctors say that obesity constitutes a new normal for Americans, classifying it as a chronic disease that requires perpetual drug intervention.

Doesn’t matter to me whether it was gay or heterosexual, there should be respect for these offices. Ronald Reagan wouldn’t even take his jacket off in the Oval. Democrat Senator Fires Staffer Who Filmed Gay Sex Escapade in Hearing Room-Breitbart

While Chinese students learn math and science. Why are colleges offering courses about Taylor Swift?-Washington Examiner

Well, we know what “problems” means. One has to wonder if this is what NATO wants. Putin warns Finland will have problems with Russia after being 'dragged into' NATO-Washington Examiner

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