The Woke Street Journal
August 9, 2024
November 29, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

All The News That Isn't Fit To Print

Global ESG Market Shrinks After Sizable Drop in US The industry’s assets fell to $30.3 trillion from $35 trillion Decline occurred during a period of growing skepticism in US-Bloomberg

Delaware Won’t Fully Adopt the ESG Agenda Its jurisprudence remains shareholder-centric.-WSJ

Delaware’s jurisprudence remains shareholder-centric and hasn’t been remade to turn business executives into “stakeholder” champions.

Today in ESG: why not buy propane, plastic pipes, and oilfield equipment-FT

The newish, biggish thing in ESG is to invest in companies that aren’t ESG. Making the right sort of noises can be enough, as shown by recent marketing by Blackrock and by last year’s push to relabel Glencore as environmentally friendly, because it’s not causing as much damage as much as it once was.

‘Taking Away Local Control’: Whitmer Signs Massive Green Energy Mandate Into Law—Daily Caller

In his quote, Hall references one of the thornier aspects of the legislation: it permits the state’s utility regulator, chaired by the governor’s appointees, to overrule local governments when approving wind and solar projects, according to MLive. Michigan currently has about 17,000 acres of land in use for wind and solar, but the state may ultimately need up to 209,000 more acres to reach its green energy goals, according to The Detroit News.

As I have said before, at some point they had to pivot. ‘Blank Check Approach Must End’: Dem Lawmakers Call For Conditions On Aid To Israel-Daily Caller

Huh? Chicago mayor blames 'right-wing extremism' for migrant crisis: 'It's mean-spirited. It's an unclean spirit'-The Blaze

This was a strange story that was making the rounds yesterday. Deadspin writer tries to whip up outrage mob against a child wearing face paint of NFL team and faces fierce backlash instead-The Blaze

Nowhere in the article does it show the other side of the boy's face, which is painted red, so that the reader is led to believe the child is purposely wearing blackface in order to mock black people.

Jeremy Boreing Says Theaters Won’t Touch ‘Lady Ballers’ Because Hollywood Has Made Transgenderism Its Religion-Daily Wire

“I think the film would do very well in theaters; in fact, I think that it would outkick its coverage in theaters because right now, theaters are in trouble,” Boreing continued. “Disney bombed at the box office this weekend. Almost every film since the pandemic has done poorly at the box office with precious few exceptions.” 

How Elon Became an ‘Antisemite’ ‘Tristram Shandy’ is the press’s handbook for whipping words to obey a narrative.-WSJ

That’s 37 words of interpolation for a six-word tweet. Mr. Musk and the original tweeter heatedly denied antisemitic intent. The Journal examined the context and suggested Mr. Musk was really exercised about a specific Jewish group, the Anti-Defamation League, which has largely adopted the identitarian and censorship agendas of the progressive left.

Koch Network Backs Haley in Bid to Block Trump From 2024 GOP Nomination Some other big Republican donors have also backed former U.N. ambassador’s campaign-WSJ

I don’t think it has anything to do with not panicking the population. ‘Wouldn’t Want To Panic The Population’: Tucker Blasts US Government Over Lack Of Transparency On UFOs-Daily Caller

Perhaps it’s because he couldn’t afford a Big Mac anymore. 'Depressed' Trump wasn't eating after 2020 loss, according to new book from top foe Cheney-Washington Examiner

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