The Woke Street Journal
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December 22, 2023

The Woke Street Journal

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Can ESG funds bounce back? Sustainable funds have underperformed this year, but the long-term trends are not going anywhere-Investors’ Chronicle

State Treasurers Push Back on SEC’s Rushed Pro-ESG Policy-The Daily Signal

If enacted, the new SEC rule would establish a new type of corporation called a Natural Asset Company, a company that by design can’t make money. 

But, the financial officials contend, it enables locking up of America’s natural resources, which could harm rural communities that rely on mining, farms and ranches by allowing the activists to buy land, both public and private, on the condition that it not be put to productive use. 

House probe into ESG violations expands to proxy advisors ISS and Glass Lewis-NY Post

The House of Representatives has subpoenaed shareholder advisors Glass Lewis and Institutional Shareholder Services as it expands a probe into whether they have violated antitrust laws by coordinating ESG efforts with each other, On The Money has learned. 

This may have been the initial plan about what ESG is, it’s not what it has morphed into. To Understand The Anti-ESG Campaign, Look At It In Context-Daily Kos

For those who are unaware, ESG investing is basically a preference for companies that will profit from accelerating the energy transition, that aren't as likely to be subject to costly social justice boycotts, and that aren't riddled with corruption and other corporate governance issues.

Go Woke Go Broke is global! Go woke go broke: New polling shows Aussies fed up with corporate wokeness-2GB Sydney

DEI’s Year in Retreat-National Review

DEI initiatives have long conflicted with America’s egalitarian ideal. It’s only that you couldn’t say as much in polite company without risking exposure to professional consequences. What the Supreme Court and the October 7 massacre did was only to provide anxious observers with a permission structure to call this fashionable form of prejudice by its name.

Oklahoma schools chief to announce plan to ban DEI in Sooner State's public schools State superintendent: 'What we’ve seen is the most radical, [Marxists] push woke ideology through DEI programs'-Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic All-Girls College Reverses Trans Policy After Backlash- The Daily Signal

Rhoades had concluded: “The desire of Saint Mary’s College to show hospitality to people who identify as transgender is not the problem. The problem is a Catholic woman’s college embracing a definition of woman that is not Catholic.”

Top battleground state official sounds alarm on border crisis' impact on election integrity Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger wants federal, state constitutional amendments banning non-citizen voting.-Just The News

“What that does is open up, you know, the ability for these liberal groups," he continued. "They want to get them some help, get them (noncitizens) on the rolls for city elections,” he added. “But once you ended up with them, offer them city elections, how do you really have (voter) rolls that are clean for both statewide and federal elections? We want to make sure that everyone understands only American citizenship, only American citizens should be on the voter registration list, and only American citizens should be voting in our elections.”

You have a lot of other pressing issues, this is what you spend your time on? New York Democrat’s Bill Could Force Chick-Fil-A To Open On Sundays-Daily Wire

Like this. Teachers Union Sues Eric Adams After Mayor Slashes Education Budget To Deal With Illegal Immigration Crisis-Daily Wire

I’m sure they will show up. John Kirby Dodges Reporter’s Question About Migrants Given Court Dates In 2031-Daily Caller

Was not a fan of this guy initially, but he’s growing on me. Sen. Fetterman Says Liberals And Conservatives Want Him To Get Blood Clot, Die-Daily Caller

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